View Full Version : UserinitS.exe help

2008-07-29, 14:42
i recently downloaded spybot 1.6 and scanned it and remove the spyware but it seens tht i am unable to login now,it auto logs me out instead.Ive used no2 of http://forums.spybot.info/blog.php?b=14 to change the value from userinits.exe to userinit but each time i log in it still logs me out and my value auto changes back to userinits.exe

2008-07-29, 16:46
hello Omnik,

in your case try to rename your userinit.exe to userinits.exe this way it will get loaded even if the value gets changed to userinits.exe.

Once you can login do a scan with Sypbot S&D and create a report file by right clicking the scan results screen and saving the full scan report.
With the help of the report we may identify other infected startup locations and do the necessary fixes. Please send your report file to detections@spybot.info with a reference to this thread.