View Full Version : Registry changes

2008-08-06, 00:38
:greeting: Dear Person/s: I Went to Adobe.com & downloaded their Version 9 reader file...(took over 2+ hrs)...During installation (offline) some "SB" popups asked if I wanted to "Allow" or "Deny" registry changes...Since I was at what I thought was a trusted website , I allowed the changes...I could NOT install the file !! My "Tea Timer" is ON...Do you think that screwed up the install and/or my computer ?? I'm not that familiar with "Tea Timer"...Would turning it off or deleting it solve anything ?? Or does it act like an anti-virus to stop them in their tracks ?? Your help WILL be appreciated...:hair:

2008-08-06, 01:19
what os? how much memory ?plenty of disk space? etc
try it with t-timer unchecked and see
did you uninstall your old adobe?
you do not need two of em

If you have the install file downloaded in a file and saved you have not hurt anything

2008-08-06, 03:03
I believe Adobe Reader 9 overwrites the previous existing version on the computer. The Adobe Reader 9 file is a 33.5MB file and can be downloaded via the current browser and installed immediately or you can download it directly to the desktop as a .exe file.

Ron, what kind of Internet connection are you using (dial-up, DSL (broadband), Wireless)? A dial-up connection (56kbps) can explain the two hour download... [possibly]. Can you clear the cache, temp. files, and cookies from your browsers and see if that helps the situation?

I really don't think the Adobe Reader file will be halted during installation by an anti-virus program (if you have one)... :scratch: Unless that is a HIPS or IPS program like Comodo Pro's Defense +. Hmm. One workaround that I can suggest is that you temporarily disable TeaTiemr during the installation. You can exit TeaTimer in the Taskbar and later re-enable it via the Spybot program.

Did you happen by any chance click, "Remember my Decision"? You can undo it with some help.
This technical jumbo may sound difficult to understand, but take it step by step, and you'll be fine : ).

2008-08-10, 04:23
Dear wyrmrider & drragostea , etc...I SOLVED the Adobe problem.... ACTUALLY , Adobe HAS a problem...If you go to Adobe.com the file is 33.5mb without the google toolbar...That one FAILED to install...If you go to Adobe's forum ( there's a whole bunch of entries about the download problem )there's a chap there that provided a link to a file that has 25.1mb and it installed PERFECTLY.....:yahoo:...wyrmrider; If OS means Operating System (??) then I have Windows XP Pro with SP 2..Memory ,Hard drive 20GB (70% free space) with 512mb RAM...There's the info you asked for....I now have a problem downloading SpyBot ,it times out at 9.98mb...For more info please go to xZippy's thread...Thanks to ALL for your help & input....PS: What does BTW mean??

2008-08-10, 23:07
Hello Ron, just let my clarify:
Btw, means: By the way.
IMHO, means: In my honest opinion.
PM: Personal/Private message
OS: Operating System (Windows, Mac OSX, Linux)

One possibility of a incomplete/corrupted download is the dial-up connection or high traffic/sever congestion.

As a ex-dial-up user I've experienced downloading large files and it just told me it was completed when the statistics showed me that it was only half the size (36MB out of 72MB).

Edit: As for your post in the other thread created by xZippy, I'm not sure what may have caused the download not to complete. If possible, a workaround would be downloading it from a friend/acquaintance with a decent (if possible DSL) connection and transfer it to a USB flash drive or burn it to a disc, as both tactics work.

2008-08-10, 23:55
drragostea: My dial-up connection seems OK...None of the workaround options are available to me at this time..Sorry...I've been going thru different threads & it seems like a lot of others are having the same problem..I'll save the smilies for later...I'm online now & will be for a coulple more hrs , in case you reply....I'm retrying to download SpyBot now..I hope with my data speed IMPROVED it will be successfull...

2008-08-11, 02:02
What I am about to say was covered already in another post (WTT Forums).

I'm afraid there is nothing to be done about the slow speeds because it is a dial-up connection. Unless you upgrade (which is your choice Ron) to another service plan, you won't be seeing any speed improvements. Note that upload speeds will be slower speeds, no matter the connection.

2008-08-11, 02:37
drragostea: I just replied to that issue ( Speed improvement ) in the WTT thread ( you should be getting an email about it ) I understand & accept FULLY what you said in post # 7...Except for the SpyBot issue , ----> :spider: I AM a happy camper...MANY thanks to YOU & ALL who helped....PS: SpyBot just TIMED out for the 3rd time !!!!

2008-08-11, 02:57
Hi Ron. If there are no further questions, you can safely continue this conversation/thread in WTT Forums.

2008-08-11, 03:36
drragostea; There are NO further issues for me to discuss in this thread...Thanks VERY much...See you at the other thread.....I'm outta here...Bye........:bigthumb: