View Full Version : Version 1.6 - how do I....?

2008-08-07, 11:34
...Get rid of the annoying little box that pops up in the "notification area" (aka System Tray) every time I do ANYTHING!

.. Get rid of the equally annoying right-click shell "Scan with Spybot...". This is a way overused option with many programs. I have had to kludge it out on many occasions. If I hadn't, my right-click shell would be longer than my All Programs menu!!!

Hmmm... Clever that links to some posts pop up... but unfortunately none is helpful...


2008-08-07, 12:04

To deactivate the TeaTimer balloons please right click on the TeaTimer icon in the system tray (actually titled "Spybot-SD Resident"). There you can uncheck "Show info balloons" by clicking on it.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2008-08-07, 12:16
Thanks for the reply

But, If I did that would it mean that TeaTimer would no longer notify me of Registry changes?

BTW what are "PMs" - and why should I not use one for requesting help?

2008-08-07, 12:48

You will still get the windows where you have to allow or deny a registry change.

A PM is a personal message.
It is not necessary to send a personal message to one of the members in this forum because there are several other people here who can help you and answer your question. That's the reason of a forum - lot of people online at the same time who might be able to help you.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2008-08-07, 14:37

To deactivate the TeaTimer balloons please right click on the TeaTimer icon in the system tray (actually titled "Spybot-SD Resident"). There you can uncheck "Show info balloons" by clicking on it.

Best regards
Team Spybot
I'm running Spybot on Win2K Pro, and I've unchecked the "Show info ballons" but they won't go away.

2008-08-07, 14:48
Thanks, Sandra, etc,

Still no obvious way to disable the right-click shell annnoyance...

Hmmm.. looks like I'll just uninstall until 1.6.1 comes along...

I still don't understand PMs. How are they different from just replying to any particular message?

md usa spybot fan
2008-08-07, 15:04

I'm running Spybot on Win2K Pro, and I've unchecked the "Show info ballons" but they won't go away.
Exactly what "won't go away"?

Only the balloons with information concerning the scanning of processes are designed to be suppressed when "Show info balloons" is unchecked. The balloons with information concerning registry changes will continue to be displayed.

Other information: The control for whether or not to "Show info balloons" is stored in the registry on an individual user basis as follows:
Don't show balloons:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Safer Networking Limited\SpybotSnD\TeaTimer]
Show balloons:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Safer Networking Limited\SpybotSnD\TeaTimer]
Check that registry key to see if the dword = 00000000.

md usa spybot fan
2008-08-07, 15:13

The context menu feature is an option during installation which is checked by default. Once installed there is no option within Spybot to uninstall it.

To disable the "Scan using Spybot-Search&Destroy" feature in Spybot 1.6 without uninstalling and reinstalling, see this post (http://forums.spybot.info/showpost.php?p=210998&postcount=9) by Zer0 Voltage (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=40178) in:
Spybot 1.6 questions

2008-08-07, 15:30

It could be that there are still some balloons in queue after you have deactivated it. It should stop after that.

And if you post in this forum it it a reply to a thread or a new thread, but you have also the possibility to send pm's.
For more informations please see the help menu in our forum:
private_messages (http://forums.spybot.info/faq.php?faq=vb3_user_profile#faq_vb3_private_messages)

Best regards
Team Spybot

2008-08-07, 16:49
As I don't recall how to access the registry, so I tried several restarts, which seems to have done the trick.
BTW, this didn't happen on an XP box I installed it onto earlier this evening. Must be a win 2K issue.

2008-08-08, 09:57
Now that I know how to make the changes I requested, I feel more inclined to re-install.

2008-10-25, 02:19
I apologize for "replying" with my own request for help but I'm new to posting and couldn't figure out how to post a new question.
I just downloaded Spybot S&D a couple days ago. I've used it in the past on other computers but never on this computer before. It's changed.
While running disk cleanup, a Spybot window popped up with the following information:
Spybot - S&D has detected an important registry entry that has been changed.
Category: ActiveX Distribution Unit
Change: Key deleted
Entry: {233C1507-6A77-46A4-9443-F871F945D258}
At the bottom of the window there are 4 buttons.."Allow change", "?", "info" and "Deny change", however the "Deny change" button is grayed out/not clickable, leaving me with only one option, to allow the change. The window requires action by me to close.

I clicked on the "?" question mark button and this is the information provided:
Event: Spybot -Search & Destroy has detected a change to some ActiveX installation.
Definition: Spybot-S&D Resident watches for new or deleted Internet Explorer Internet installations.
User interactions:
Did you just try to install some Internet Explorer plugin? If it is not shown as a bad one, you should proceed. If this happens out of the blue sky while surfing the web, you should get cautious.

I was not surfing the web and I was not trying to install an internet explorer plugin. I did not have any other programs open when this happened either. Could disk cleanup have had something to do with this? I dont know what to do or if it's ok to allow the change. Please help. I don't know what that registry key is for or if I need it or not.

2008-10-25, 04:00

To post a new message, click on the "New Thread" button about half way down the page. You can copy an paste the message you wrote that I am replying to.

2008-10-25, 04:56
You can start your own query by clicking "New Thread".

When the "Deny" button is greyed out, it usually means that the registry key has already been deleted and can not be recovered (Denied) regardless of what you choose. TeaTimer just prompts you to notify you that something has changed, so you'll basically have to press "Allow".

Your ActiveX entry (233C1507-6A77-46A4-9443-F871F945D258) seems to be associated with Adobe Shockwave Player. :spider:

2008-10-27, 05:54
thanx for the replies..:)

2009-02-03, 16:11
How do I remove Teatime? I have removed SSD, and it is still there. It is causing havok with my companies Security. I kow I can shut it off, but I would really like to uninstall it.

It really does not make sense to me that a company that is supposed to protect my computer from malicious software, would have you install a program that you can not remove.


md usa spybot fan
2009-02-03, 17:48
Saltone (Salty):

… It is causing havok with my companies Security. …
Are you running the "Spybot S&D Corporate Edition" or "Spybot S&D Small Business Edition" of Spybot? If so, I will contact someone more familiar with those products. If not, I trust that you are aware that you may be violating the license agreement for Spybot. See:
License - The home of Spybot-S&D!
Home - Spybot S&D for non private use

Have you rebooted your system since removing Spybot and is TeaTimer still active?

2009-02-03, 21:56
First, I use the free version of Spybot on my laptop. it is for my personal use. and is only run on this laptop. due to plugging the laptop onto the company network, they insist that I have Symantec installed. When teatime is active, I keep gettin pop ups from Syamntec, and error messages.

If I am in violation of the license, just let me know and I will remove it. Oh yeah, it won't let me remove it.

i uninstalled SSD and the teatime stayed. I shut down and restarted several times and it would still pop up. I went to program files, and teatime was still in teh empty spybot file. I finally reinstalled SSD and went to the advanced options to at least shut Teatime down. But i would like to remove it all the way. If I have to remove SSD, I will. I have always liked SSD, but if you read the forums, I am not the only person having issues. It seems there is no easy way to uninstall it.


md usa spybot fan
2009-02-04, 06:25
Saltone (Salty):

If you went into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Tools > Resident and unchecked the following:
Resident "TeaTimer" (Protection of over-all system settings) Active.
Then TeaTimer should be disabled (TeaTimer.exe should have been terminated and the startup entry for it removed). Note: If you have multiple user accounts you will have to do that for each user account where you activated TeaTimer.

If TeaTimer.exe is not active, you should be able to delete the program if you want.