View Full Version : Most recent Spybot, stable or beta.

2008-08-09, 07:34
Not sure if this thread has been mentioned... but I would like to know the latest version of Spybot-SD (beta if possible).

I heard that there was v., although I'm unclear of the details. I've downloaded all the beta updates including the detection updates for the week and Spybot still shows

Version popped up in my head, but I was unsure if that was for TeaTimer or the program itself.


2008-08-10, 08:38
I just got the beta update for Teatimer when I updated.My Spybot is still version,too. :)
I see Teatimer's file version listed as

2008-08-10, 19:58
Thanks Zenobia :santa:.

Then it's safe to assume that the latest version is for TeaTimer beta.

Greyfox, commented (in another thread) that he upgraded v.1.5 to 1.6 and the new version reported as Greyfox also said, he does not know how to "force" update Spybot-SD to There does seem to be any significant changes between the two versions, but it could be just possible bug fixes.

2008-08-11, 05:36
You're welcome. :)
But I'm a little confused myself.I saw a couple people saying about Spybot being updated,as in the program itself updated,not teatimer.But,as far as I know it was a just a beta teatimer update,unless I didn't get the upgrade somehow,if it came through the integrated update.Or it's possible I mis-read the posts,too. :)

2008-08-11, 06:11
The two XP computers I saw upgraded from 1.5 to 1.6 were done automatically via the normal weekly update download and they are now showing

To obtain the latest Teatimer you need to have download beta items ticked, and it is, so I assume is the released version of Teatimer and is the beta version

Those of us who already running do not get an update automatically to and I have no idea how to force that to happen. I also don't know whether what if any difference there is between the two versions.

2008-08-12, 01:46
Ah, I didn't know that the default (no beta updates) for TeaTimer in v.1.6 was Thanks Greyfox for the reference. : )

2008-08-12, 02:25
The standard non-beta of Teatimer is v1.6.0.20 - file size 2106KB
The beta download that is available from the Forum is v1.6.0.21 - file size 2282KB
The beta version available from the update server is v1.6.0.22 - file size 1787KB

The lastest beta version (22) appears to have been compressed to reduce its physical size but functionally seems to be identical to the previous beta version (21). Only the programmers could tell us if there are any new tweaks in this latest beta.

2008-08-12, 02:37
Thanks Doug. I'm assuming v. includes both v.21 (reduced memory usage) and some tweaks (upgrades). What does the beta definition updates do?

2008-08-12, 02:48
You can assume all you like drragostea - lol - I am only stating what I can see - I have no inside info. I was just correcting your previous statement about the non-beta version number.

I would guess as I said that the 22 beta is just a compressed version of the 21 beta to reduce its size for download purposes - but it could have a bug fix or two if they found any after the initial compilation. As for the Beta Definitions your guess is as good as mine.

2008-08-12, 04:25
If you mean the ßDetection rules (beta),they are just detection rules that haven't been fully released yet,and downloading them means you're testing whether there might be any false positives,before they are fully released to other users who do not beta test.
If there are any false positives,you report them in the false positives forum.

2008-08-12, 04:56
Ah, well that also means reporting false positives. Thanks Zenobia.

Doug: I wasn't really "assuming", what I meant was 'I agree' and thanks for the correction.

2008-08-12, 07:50
You're welcome. :)
I love beta testing,but you should be a little careful when downloading beta detections.False positves are few and far between,but every once in a while there is one.Always look at anything found carefully before fixing,k? :)

md usa spybot fan
2008-08-12, 08:12
The technique that I use in regards to the ßDetection rules after an update is: I run a Spyware scan without the ßDetection rules then run another scan with just the ßDetection rules. That way my results are separated so that I can tell if a detection was caused by the ßDetection rules.

2008-08-12, 10:30
Good idea,never thought of that before.

2008-08-12, 22:55
Thank you Zenobia and md usa spybot fan. :D

Zenobia, I thought about that too. So I won't be so quick to fix something, unless it is confirmed.

md, may I ask... (:scratch:) how do you run two scans; one with ßDetection and one without ßDetection? Is there an option, that I'm not aware of?

Thank you kindly for the contribution. :santa:

Edit: is displayed if you installed Spybot v1.6 manually from the installer exe file. is displayed if you installed Spybot v1.6 automatically via the updater.

md usa spybot fan
2008-08-13, 10:52

… md, may I ask... (:scratch:) how do you run two scans; one with ßDetection and one without ßDetection? Is there an option, that I'm not aware of? …
Actually I don't run "… one with ßDetection and one without ßDetection". I run a Spyware only scan (no usage tracks) without the ßDetection rules and then I run another scan with just the ßDetection rules.

It is done by manipulating the file sets used in the scan. Go into Spybot » Mode » Advanced Mode » Settings » File Sets. If you have downloaded the ßDetection rules they appear as the Beta.sbi file.

To run a Spyware only scan (no usage tracks) without the ßDetection rules:
Right click on the file set list and select "Spyware check only".
Uncheck the Beta.sbi file.
Run a "Check for problems".
To run a scan with just the ßDetection rules:
Clear all checks, except "Spybot - Search & Destroy - Integrated search for spybots" which can not be unchecked. There are two ways to do that quickly.
If you have never done a "Store this combination as user defined", right click on the file set list and select "User defined combination". That leaves just the "Spybot - Search & Destroy - Integrated search for spybots" checked.
If you have stored a user defined combination", right click on the file set list and select "Usage tracks check only". Then go down to "Usage Tracking - Integrated search for usage tracks" and uncheck it. Again that will leave just the "Spybot - Search & Destroy - Integrated search for spybots" checked.
Check the Beta.sbi file.
Run a "Check for problems".

2008-08-13, 20:56
Thank you kindly.

Until you mentioned it, I realized the Beta.sbi entry was in the File Set tab.

I'll keep that in mind in the future.