View Full Version : Help please

2008-08-09, 16:39
Having read very good reviews of Spybot I decided to register and get the download. Being an absolute numpty when it comes to computer savvy I was completely stumped by the first page. Could I have some advice please as to which of the download buttons to press in order to get the best programme for my pc. It is running on Windows XP, has Avast, is firewalled, has window-washer and an old version of Ad-aware.
(Could you make it as plain and simple (like me) as possible please!!!!!)

Thank you.

2008-08-09, 16:53
here is the link to download spybot from: http://www.safer-networking.org/en/mirrors/index.html

if you want to download it without visiting other sites, then you can choose one of the "Download from our server" mirrors, and click on "download here"

2008-08-09, 17:00
Thank you for your reply, another stupid question coming there are 3 buttons marked #1, #2, #3, do you click on any particular button or are they all relatively the same?

2008-08-09, 17:04
just click on one of them, i dont know if some of them is faster to download from than the others. i think you get the same version of spybot on all of them.

2008-08-09, 17:07
Thank you very much.