View Full Version : Cannot Delete Bugs Due To Non-Admin Priviledges

2008-08-13, 21:11
This is not only my pc but in every sense of the word I am the administrator of my pc, there is no more I can do to make myself my pc admin. Yet Spybot will not delete all of the bugs it found because it says I need to be the admin of my pc, which I clearly am. How do I take care of this, there are a couple of bugs in particular that absolutely must to be removed, and Spybot will not let me remove them until it acknowledges I am the admin........? What else can I do? Please Help!

md usa spybot fan
2008-08-13, 21:22

What windows OS are you running?

2008-08-13, 21:23
if so you need to launch spybot with right click run as administrator.

2008-08-14, 06:36
if so you need to launch spybot with right click run as administrator.

tnx thats what it was, i was getting so frustrated lol, i hate vista. something strange tho, after i ran the program under admin, it said it took out a couple but there was 2 it said i had to restart and run again in the bootup to get, so i did that. after it ran in the bootup it never did find those it said i had to reboot to get......? i ran ad-aware and that program found them later

anyway tnx again. you guys are fast too, i like :D:

2008-08-14, 07:30
your issue has been solved! Glad to have helped :bigthumb:

by the way, i hate vista also ;)