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2008-08-19, 16:27
I'm running the free version of Zone Alarm and when I updated my version of Spybot I suddenly was asked to allow or deny


I now realize that it has to do with the Zone Alarm spy blocker tool bar but not initially knowing this I elected to deny.

Now even with the Tea Time 'show balloons' unchecked everytime I surf the Internet I get a baloon popping up rubbing my nose in my mistake.

How can I reverse my decision and allow the change?

md usa spybot fan
2008-08-19, 16:48

When you "Denied" the registry change did you also select the "Remember this decision" option?


If you check "Remember this decision" on a change, the information concerning that change it is stored in a file. TeaTimer uses that information to automatically "Allow" or "Deny" similar registry changes for all future changes. To edit that information:Right click on the TeaTimer system tray icon and select Settings. This will bring up TeaTimer's "White & Black List". There are four (4) Buttons across the top of the "White & Black List":
Allowed registry changes
Blocked registry changes
Allowed processes
Blocked processes
You can review all the entries that you have stored by clicking on these buttons. The entries that you should review are in "Blocked registry changes". You can delete entries by clicking on the scripted black "X" to the right of the entry that you want to delete, answering "Yes" to the confirmation dialog and then clicking the "OK" button when you're done.After you have done that, the next time a similar registry change occurs TeaTimer will issue a registry change dialog rather than automatically deny the change. At that time you should allow the change and I suggest that you do not use the "Remember this decision" option.


... How can I reverse my decision and allow the change?
You cannot reverse any Registry change decisions ("Allow change" or "Deny change") that you make with TeaTimer. You have to redo whatever you were doing so that the Registry change is done again (or manually edit the Registry).

You can remove "Remember this decision" entries but that does not change or reverse registry entries, it only affects the way that TeaTimer handles future registry changes.

2008-08-19, 17:19
Much appreciated....I followed your instructions and it seems to have solved my problem. After I deleted the entry, the next time I opened Internet Explorer a window opened and I simply selected 'allow' as you suggested.
