View Full Version : Slow Internet Explorer since updating to SD 1.6

2008-08-19, 21:53
I am experiencing painfully slow Internet Explorer since updating to Spybot SD1.6. Can anyone help?

md usa spybot fan
2008-08-19, 22:20

What Windows OS are you running?

2008-08-19, 23:06
Windows XP Professional, Version 2002, Service Pack 2.

2008-08-19, 23:11
It is the SDHelper? It is the Resident Shield in Internet Explorer.

ray, run Spybot-SD in Advanced Mode>Tools>Resident and untick "SDHelper". Close Spybot and start Internet Explorer. Is it "slow"?

DougCuk has found a solution, however it only temporarily eases the situation.

2008-08-19, 23:30
Much better, cheers for the advice.

md usa spybot fan
2008-08-19, 23:59

I do not agree with drragostea (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=34880)'s advice to disable Spybot's SDHelper and that you seem satisfied with that resolution.

Spybot's SDHelper provides protection against accessing malicious sites, the storing of tracking cookies, etc. while using Windows Internet Explorer.

Rather than just disable Spybot's SDHelper, I would like to see if slowdown that you observed is the same that DougCuk ( http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=184) found was causing his slowdown of Windows Internet Explorer.

How many cookies are stored on your system?

Go into Start » Run » type "cookies" (no quotes) » click "OK".
That should bring up a Windows Explorer window listing the cookies stored on your system. Look in the "Status Bar" of the Windows Explorer window (the bar at the bottom of the window) to see how many cookies (lower left hand corner) are listed as "nnnn objects" (see note #1 below)?

Note #1: If there is no "Status Bar" on the bottom of the Windows Explorer window that displays the number objects displayed (as "nnnn objects") in the lower left hand corner of the Windows Explorer window as "nnnn objects", the maybe the "Status Bar" is not being displayed.

Go into Windows Explorer » View. If the "Status Bar" option in the context menu is not checked, click on the "Status Bar" option to get the Status Bar" on the bottom of the Windows Explorer window.

2008-08-20, 00:04
md usa spybot:

My post was intended for raypickering to confirm if it is SDHelper (Resident Shield in IE) that is causing the slowdown.

In addition I have provided the link to a temporarily solution by DougCuk (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=184).

Close Spybot and start Internet Explorer. Is it "slow"?

md usa spybot fan
2008-08-20, 00:26

Your approach appears that it may have resulted in raypickering (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=46720) just disabling SDHelper and not trying to determine if the number of cookies stored is causing the problem.

I am attempting to determine if the underlying cause of the problem is same as DougCuk ( http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=184)'s.

If you have a better way of determining that, please address raypickering (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=46720) not me.

2008-08-20, 00:48

If raypickering will bother to take a look at it (this thread) again. Unfortunately, he somewhat misunderstood or did not understand the whole message.

2009-06-08, 21:05
I do web development, so I have many browsers installed.
The tests below were done trying to load www.google.com and www.yahoo.com

Chrome (, Opera (9.64), and Safari (3.2.3) took approximately 2-3 seconds to load.
Firefox (3.0.10) took approximately 3-4 seconds to load.
IE (8.0.6001.18762IC) took between 14-17 seconds to load.

I also loaded the blank page about:blank onto IE8 with no appreciable difference.

I disabled all addons through Internet Options in the control panel and also saw no change, I then reenabled them.

I saw this thread and disabled SDHelper and saw no change.

I then went into immunizations and removed all immunizations for 32 and 64 bit IE and saw a massive change. IE now loads in 4-5 seconds. I re-enabled the immunizations and again it slowed down to 16 seconds (only tried it once) and then disabled them, again the startup time went to 4-5 seconds.

I'm using an HP DV9930us Notebook with Vista Home Premium 4G RAM and Intel Core2 duo at 2.00Ghz (x2)

I only really use IE for web development, Firefox is actually my main browser (still has it's immunizations along with opera and the hosts file), so it won't hurt for me to have the immunizations disabled for one of my browsers. In case anyone stumbled across this thread though, maybe this will be of some assistance in pinpointing some issues.

I forgot to add, i'm using Spybot