View Full Version : Teatimer turns itself off

2008-09-01, 01:46
Noticed this since I started using Spybot.

I will turn on the computer at the beginning of the day and Teatimer icon appears.

Sometimes Teatimer icon disappears from taskbar.

Using Process Explorer I can see Teatimer is not active.

Yet when I go to advanced mode in Spybot Resident SD helper and Teatimer are still checked.

When I recycle the machine, the icon reappears and Process Explorer shows it functioning.

Happens alot. Why?

2008-09-01, 08:03

It would probably help you to get a more informed answer if you took the time to provide basic details, like what operating system you are using, and exactly what version of Spybot and what version of Teatimer you have installed.

Can you also indicate what type and speed CPU, and how much memory your computer has, and what Antivirus system and Firewall software you are using. Also do you have any other antispyware procucts installed.

Is your current Spybot installation an update from a previous version, and if so was it installed over the top of the earlier version, or done as a clean install after removing the previous version.

Note that if you right click on the Teatimer icon in the task bar and select exit Spybot SD resident, the icon will disappear from the task bar and Teatimer will no longer be running, even though it is still ticked in the Spybot Tools/resident page. It will then restart/reappear when you next reboot the PC, which is similar to what you have described.