View Full Version : CHKDSK always seems to run after Secure Shredder is used. Normal?

2008-09-01, 21:24

I'm using Secure Shredder to get rid of my photos before I send it back to HP, as this drive intermittently boots, and sometimes doesn't boot. Anyhow, it seems to be on a booting streak at the moment, haha.

The problem seems to be that, everytime I use the Secure Shredder to shred my photos, CHKDSK runs at boot time.

1st time I was getting "Inserting an index entry into index $0 of file 25". That kept on repeating for at least a few minutes until everything was fixed fine and rebooted. So I thought, okay, maybe a fluke thing, and from my brand new drive I just installed that HP sent me to replace this bad one. (I know it's bad because my BIOS Hard drive diagnostic tool message states REPLACE HARDDISK.

The 2nd Secure Shredder session yielded this message
" Recovering orphaned file _DSF6436.JPG (1812) into directory file 1778.
Recovering orphaned file _DSF6436.RAF (1813) into directory file 1778." The strange thing is that I haven't deleted these files yet, but a folder or two ahead of it. That is strange.

So is it normal to have CHKDSK run everytime I use Secure Shredder from Spybot S&D?

Thanks in advance.

2008-09-01, 21:36
It sounds like your drive has some errors, that need to fixed.
Does scandisk only run when the secure shredder is used? It does not run otherwise?

You said you are having problems with your computer booting up, how long have you had the computer? It sounds like the hard drive is going bad....although i could be wrong..

Also, what windows are you running? How long has this problem been occurring?

2008-09-01, 22:06

Thanks for the QUICK response. That is awesome!

Yah, my drive is going bad. But the weird thing is, it has never done the CHKDSK thing until I started using the Secure Shredder. I rebooted without doing the Secure Shredder just as a test, and the CHKDSK didn't run.

I'll continue some more test just to verify for myself.

I've had the computer for less than a year, an HP Pavilion dv9543cl. This is the 2nd Seagate HD that has given me problems. The 1st one I can't get back to get my files just yet. There's actual clicking sounds, so it might be mechanical. Oh, and I'm using Vista.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm booting from the new drive, not the one that it's checking.

It sounds like your drive has some errors, that need to fixed.
Does scandisk only run when the secure shredder is used? It does not run otherwise?

You said you are having problems with your computer booting up, how long have you had the computer? It sounds like the hard drive is going bad....although i could be wrong..

Also, what windows are you running? How long has this problem been occurring?

2008-09-01, 22:17
well honestly i have no idea why the secure shredder would be causing this....Is there any way you could contact your computer manufacturer (HP) and let them know about your hard drive? The computer manufacturer (HP) should still be covering you since the pc is not that old....I know Hp and have worked with them before, usually when it comes to a serious issue like this, they will help you out. I am hoping you can get a new hard drive. As for the clicking sounds you are getting, it does sound like its mechanical....

What i recommend is that you immediately backup everything, all your data, etc. That you do not want to lose, in case you hard drive completely fails. If you get another hard drive, I recommend the brand western digital. A cheaper way if you have the know how, would be to buy yourself a new hard drive and install it, or have hp fix it with the hard drive you bought. But it's up to you. :)

2008-09-01, 22:28
Dear 129260/Senior Member,

I have definitely learned my lesson on backing up. Thank you for the reminder. I have everything backed up from the drive I'm sending back to them as they have already sent me the replacement. They are so QUICK too! I got the drive the very next day sent overnight!! Woah. I wasn't expecting that.

Anyways, so Western Digital is a good brand eh? They sent me a Toshiba as a replacement.

You mentioned, " A cheaper way if you have the know how, would be to buy yourself a new hard drive and install it, or have hp fix it with the hard drive you bought. " I didn't know that they even offered that service. But even though I've had a good experience with them, I don't want to chance losing the data on that 1st crashed drive. I want to recover the photos off them from a recovery service some day.

Thanks for your awesome help. SPYBOT is awesome! :D

P.S. I'm gonna reboot again, and then do a Secure Shredder "move" and I'll report in.

well honestly i have no idea why the secure shredder would be causing this....Is there any way you could contact your computer manufacturer (HP) and let them know about your hard drive? The computer manufacturer (HP) should still be covering you since the pc is not that old....I know Hp and have worked with them before, usually when it comes to a serious issue like this, they will help you out. I am hoping you can get a new hard drive. As for the clicking sounds you are getting, it does sound like its mechanical....

What i recommend is that you immediately backup everything, all your data, etc. That you do not want to lose, in case you hard drive completely fails. If you get another hard drive, I recommend the brand western digital. A cheaper way if you have the know how, would be to buy yourself a new hard drive and install it, or have hp fix it with the hard drive you bought. But it's up to you. :)

2008-09-01, 23:42
Well, here's an update. It rebooted fine without any further deletions. But that's not the weird part. After that, I deleted 6 folders of photos; each folder holding about 1.85 GB worth of data. I rebooted, and Windows rebooted just fine. No CHKDSK, no nothing; just fine. It's weird because when I deleted just one folder before, I had CHKDSK come up. Maybe it was just one specific area of my harddrive that was flawed. Hmm.

I'm now going to delete the rest of my files.

2008-09-02, 00:16
Toshiba is a good brand as well. :) So i am guessing everything is fine now? I hope I have helped and if you have any more questions, let me know. Your welcome! :) Thanks!