View Full Version : Suggestion to avoid crashing by CPU overheating

2008-09-09, 00:17
In order to avoid CPU overheating, a problem that has been keeping me, like many others so I read here, from running S & D as early as 10000/290000 objects, would it be possible for you to place a PAUSE button -- like the one in Defrag and other such, and search, applications -- to be clicked on upon hearing, as is my case for instance, my ASUS Proble beeping at 55°C ?

md usa spybot fan
2008-09-09, 01:11

No properly designed system should overheat when the CPU is run at 100%. I suggest that you ensure that the cooling fans a running, the system is clean internally and that CPU heat sink is not loose.


re: Pause during a scan.

A pause button appears during a "Check for problems" if you indicate that you want to use the "Advanced mode" feature "Show expert buttons in results list.".

To activate the feature, go into into Spybot » Mode » Advanced mode (answer yes to the warning message if necessary) » Settings » Settings. Scroll down to near the bottom of the option tree to a category titled "Expert settings". Check the item in the list "Show expert buttons in results list.".


░ Expert settings
├ □ Use shredder to remove usage tracks,
├ □ Use shredder when purging recovery files.
├ ■ Show expert buttons in results list.
├ □ Show expert buttons in recovery list.
└ ░ External viewers
ֺֺֺ ├ □ Use external viewer application for files
ֺֺֺ ├ □ Use external viewer application for folders
ֺֺֺ └ □ Use external viewer application for registry items