is it possible to remove the entry for spybot search&destroy in the context menu of files to delete them safety? I just want it to work as scanner but not as file eraser. Also, when I double click a file with the file extension .tpl to open it, I'm always promped, if I want to delete the file ... that's not good for me.
second question: is there a complete portable scan/immunize-version of SS&d?
thanks so far!
is it possible to remove the entry for spybot search&destroy in the context menu of files to delete them safety? I just want it to work as scanner but not as file eraser. Also, when I double click a file with the file extension .tpl to open it, I'm always promped, if I want to delete the file ... that's not good for me.
second question: is there a complete portable scan/immunize-version of SS&d?
thanks so far!