View Full Version : Not a clue anymore...

2008-09-19, 09:34
So....last night, my computer started acting really odd. If memory serves (and it doesn't) it was after I had downloaded some Microsoft Windows Updates from the Windows Update site and also download WordViewer. For some reason my MS Office XP doesn't work right anymore and everything except viewing a printing is locked out. So...I figured WordViewer would at least let me cut n paste stuff when needed.

Anyway....while searching the web to see if anyone had answers on my Office problems, I downloaded something hoping to fix it. Well....that's when things started going a bit nuts and I started to ger a bad feeling. I ran my Norton AV 08 (fully updated) and it never picked anything other than the typical cookies. I updated and ran My Ad-Aware from Lavasoft (updated it first) it froze up if memory serves me. I reset. Then couldn't get past the Windows XP UserProfile screen. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. When I do get past it, like this morning, I get back in and try to see what's gone haywire. I updated my Spyboy S&D this morning and then ran it.

Everytime I get to a certain point with S&D, it stops on "Virtumonde" and then says it has to reboot to start again. Asks me "Yes" or "No" Sometimes it waits for me to choose, but usually just restarts on its own. Then...back to square one.....

Will he or won't he be able to log back on.

Now....i've lost the use of my mouse. I'm using the MS Wireless KB & Mouse 6000. Keyboard works, Mouse does not.

When i've gotten back into Windows, i've also tried doing a System Recovery, but it only gives me one date, this morning @ 1:14am. Well....I can't remember if that particular minute was before or after things went bad with my downloads.

Now with the loss of my mouse, i'm fiddling around with the keyboard trying to get stuff down and having a helluva time with it.

Also....I get a little "flicker" or "hiccup" in the main Windows is starting up screen....the black backround with the little line of 3 cubes in a row gowing left to right just before you get our user profile screen.

I've just reset 4 or 5 times as i've typed this out after the spyboy told me to reboot but then did it itself. Now I can't get past the User Profile selection screen

Some help would be greatly appreciated. I've neve experienced something like this before and i'm usually the "goto guy" for all my bodies on pc problems.

Oh...another thing that does come up is "Windows Security Update is diabled" or something of that nature when the Spybot is scanning....

