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View Full Version : Is it posible to disable tray icon ?

2008-10-08, 11:02
Is it posible to disable tray icon of Spybot ?

2008-10-08, 14:12
Is it posible to disable tray icon of Spybot ?

The task bar icon is for Teatimer rather than for the main Spybot program. If you don't use Teatimer the icon will not be there. Put Spybot into Advanced mode, then goto Tools-> Resident, remove the tick next to Teatimer.

2008-10-16, 11:35
I use TeaTimer and I would like to disable it tray icon. Is it possible ?

2008-10-16, 15:40
"I use TeaTimer and I would like to disable it tray icon. Is it possible ?"

yes, greyfox just answered your question. :)

Put Spybot into Advanced mode, then goto Tools-> Resident, remove the tick next to Teatimer.

2008-10-16, 16:03
But I want to disable tray icon and still having TeaTimer working.

2008-10-16, 16:29
Only by using regedit and using a hidden settings ;)
See this wiki entry (http://wiki.spybot.info/index.php/Registry_settings_%28Spybot_-_Search_%26_Destroy%29#TeaTimerHide).

2008-10-16, 16:38
What valor should I put in REG_DWORD ? 1 ?

2008-10-16, 17:38
Yes, 1 :)
But it works only in HKLM (just tested), sorry for the documentation error.

2008-10-16, 18:16
OK. It works. Thank you.

2008-10-22, 16:52
Hello, new here.

I'm looking to do the opposite. For some reason my tray item has dissapeared. I've checked the registry and the item mentioned above has a value of 0 (correct I believe). Any ideas

2008-10-22, 22:58
Have you installed the new updates on Spybot-Search&Destroy (October 22nd, 2008)?

For me, I had to run in Advanced Mode>Tools>Resident and about a minute or so the TeaTimer (Resident Shield) icon reappeared.

2008-10-23, 11:17
Quick update.

I uninstalled and then reinstalled spybot 1.6 and sure enough the tray icon reappeared. However upon completing a full update (checked all boxes) the tray icon once again dissapeared. Checking task manager showed teatimer was no longer running although a restart brought it back but still no tray icon.

Having used windows since 95 I no longer trust programs silently running in the background and had become fond of the tray icon for Teatimer constantly popping up to let me know everything was still working. Please help

2008-10-23, 11:59
Thanks for getting back to me drragostea. Have now tried this, it's been running for about ten minutes and still no tray icon.

When updates were installed i was asked to allow or deny changes twice.
Assuming spybot new what it was doing during update I allowed these changes:-
23/10/2008 09:26:57 Allowed (based on user decision) value "SpybotSD TeaTimer" (new data: "") deleted in System Startup user entry!
23/10/2008 09:26:58 Allowed (based on user decision) value "{53707962-6F74-2D53-2644-206D7942484F}" (new data: "") deleted in Browser Helper Object!
Would these be affecting it do you think?

Unticking and then ticking the teatimer box brought the tray icon back but will now restart the PC to see if it stays.

WOOHOO! :bigthumb: drragostea :bigthumb: Problem solved:)

2008-10-24, 03:51
Glad to hear it was resolved.

Safe surfing.