View Full Version : Configure SpyBot manualy to run at startup

2008-11-20, 20:06
I have an infected XP pro computer infected with the Spoof XP Anti Virus Pro 2009 spyware.

The computer will not run any updates due to host file poisoning local loop back adresss.

Spybote, Hijack this and malwarebyte programs will not run, the computer will not go into safe mode.

Have removed the program Spoof XP Anti Virus and cleaned the regestry for XP Anti Virus entries.

I have installed Spybot and updated the program manualy is it possable to configure spybot to run at startup without runing the program as the pogram will not run, by editing the regestry or ini file.

Or any advice in resolving this problem.

md usa spybot fan
2008-11-20, 21:12

You could try to add the following registry entry to the "HKLM... \RunOnce" registry key which should run Spybot the next time you reboot and a user logs on.

"SpybotSnD"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Spybot - Search & Destroy\\SpybotSD.exe\""
If that fails to help correct the problem you are having, consider posting in the Malware Removal (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=22) forum and having someone take a look at your system.

If you decide to have an experienced malware removal specialist assist you, please follow the procedure in the following link to run scans and produce logs: "BEFORE you POST"(READ this Procedure BEFORE Requesting Assistance) ( http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288).
After you have completed the required scans and produced the requested logs, start your own thread in the Malware Removal (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=22) forum.

Normally a HijackThis log produced from the above instructions is the minimum requirement for posting in the Malware Removal (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=22) forum. However, if you are unable to produce a HijackThis log following those instructions, I suggest that post what information (logs) you can and perhaps an experienced malware removal specialist can walk you through correcting the problem you are having.

2008-11-21, 17:21
This worked fine Spybot loaded at startup and removed infections which allowed me run malwarebyte.

Thankyou for your time.



md usa spybot fan
2008-11-21, 17:41

I'm glad to have been able to help.

If you have the time, consider reading the following thread. It help prevent you from being re-infected.
So how did I get infected in the first place?