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recovery files


New member
Hi all.
I want to delete my recovery files as part of a general PC clean up. Is there any problem with that? It is only MRUs etc. from yonks ago. Nothing recent. If so, do I have to do them individually, or can i delete the folder (I assume S&D will amke another).

The files will be emptied automatically.

Please check your settings: run Spybot-S&D and switch to "Advanced mode" via the menu bar item "Mode". Now select "Settings" --> "Settings" in the navigation bar on the left. There the three checkboxes in front of "Create backups of ..." should be ticked, so that the recovery works. After 30 days the quarantined files will be deleted automatically. This can also be adjusted in the settings page at "Age of recovery". If you click on that item you can set the period of time.

Best regards
Team Spybot
No problem deleting them if they are no longer needed. However, the recovery zip folders are password protected so it is easier if you go into Spybot > Recovery and use the "Purge selected items" feature.
Thanks both for you quick response. Sorted. It was Avast that kept telling me it could not scan certain files, which (eventually) i tracked to S&D recovery files,amongst others.Being password protected, that would, I think. explain it.
Thanks again,