View Full Version : Strange symptom - any clues ?

2005-11-15, 21:21
Greetings, all !

First, thanks for providing this forum, tons of info available here...

I upgraded to Version 1.4, when it first became available. I find that Spybot still performs admirably, as always.

However, upon installation of 1.4, I found that I could no longer display the screen, in half-screen mode. The 'center' button, which would be used for this, is disabled. I may run Spybot in full-screen-Mode only, or minimize to the TaskBar.

Is there some setting that I may have missed, which controls this ?

I have uninstalled/reinstalled, with the same symptom.

My System is XP SP1, with NO plans to upgrade to SP2.

Thanks for any, and all suggestions. :confused:

md usa spybot fan
2005-11-16, 02:50
I sorry but I don’t know what you mean by the "Center" button. Are you are talking about the "Maximize"/"Restore Down" button in the upper right hand corner of the Spybot screen between the "Minimize" and "Close" buttons?

If so it sounds like a window sizing problem. Hold the cursor on the button. If the pop-up notation says "Restore Down" click on the button. If it says "Maximize" leave it alone. With that done, place the cursor on the left-hand edge of the Spybot window and when the window sizing symbol appears (horizontal line with arrow heads pointing left and right), press and hold the left mouse button and drag the edge of the window to the right reducing the width of the window. Move the cursor to the bottom edge of the window and repeat the operation to reduce the height of the window. You can then place the cursor in the blue title bar of the window, press and hold the left mouse button and drag the reduced window to any location on the screen that you like.

My System is XP SP1, with NO plans to upgrade to SP2.
Please reconsider. Without upgrading you are leaving system vulnerable to many security problems.

2005-11-16, 09:40
I sorry but I don’t know what you mean by the "Center" button. Are you are talking about the "Maximize"/"Restore Down" button in the upper right hand corner of the Spybot screen between the "Minimize" and "Close" buttons?

[QUOTE=gainmorey]My System is XP SP1, with NO plans to upgrade to SP2.[QUOTE]
Please reconsider. Without upgrading you are leaving system vulnerable to many security problems.

Thanks for the reply !
Yes, it would be the "Maximize/Restore Down" button. A poor description, on my part.

Even more odd is that the button 'display' changes, that is, 'two boxes', or 'one box', denoting screen size. The screen does not change. And, when I say 'full-screen', I mean it is border-to-border. There is no way to grab the sides, top, or bottom, to drag/drop minimize.

Any other ideas on how I might fix this ? As I said, it works, but it's pesky, in full-screen mode.

As for SP2... been there, done that. When I upgraded, I lost the use of nearly every non-M$$$ product. I had to reload Windows, to be able to use any of the products I had installed. I can wait for the next Windows version.

Thanks for the input, however. :D

md usa spybot fan
2005-11-16, 16:00
I don't know why you can't resize the window while it is in "Restore Down" mode. You should be able to move the window around so that enges are fully shown on the screen.

The size of the Spybot as well as whether or not it is in "Maximize" or "Restore Down" mode are stored in the registry when you exit Spybot-S&D. I run Spybot in a reduced window. The following are my registry entries.

The attached Spybot_Window.txt file contains the following (I can't attach a .reg):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PepiMK Software\SpybotSnD\Window]
Download the attached Spybot_Window.txt file.

Either:Rename the file to Spybot_Window.reg.

--- or ---

Double click on it and it should open in Notepad. "Do a Save As…". Change the "Save as type:" to "All files". Add ".reg" (no quotes) to end of the "File name: " . Save.
Exit Spybot-S&D, double click on Spybot_Window.reg, answer "Yes" then "OK" to the messages then start Spybot-S&D.

Note: If you exit Spybot-S&D while the window is maximized you may end up with the same problem again.

2005-11-16, 19:54
The size of the Spybot as well as whether or not it is in "Maximize" or "Restore Down" mode if stored in the registry when you exit Spybot-S&D. I run Spybot in a reduced window. The following are my registry entries.

Quite right. This is where my problem was.

I was unable to do anything with the attached file... BUT, I was able to Edit my Registry to match your values.


Thanks so much for the assist !:) (NOW, I just gotta remember to never close, while in Full-screen Mode). :eek:

md usa spybot fan
2005-11-16, 23:44
gainmorey :

Congratulations on getting the window back the way you want it.

Please do me a favor. Since you seem familiar with Regedit, go into Regedit and export the following key:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PepiMK Software\SpybotSnD\Window]
That way if you inadvertently close Spybot when the window is in full screen mode you can just say "oh well" and easily restore the Spybot window to the way you like it. ;) That’s a lot better than calling yourself derisive names the way I sometimes do when I make inadvertent errors.:mad:

2006-01-14, 04:18
It is a very dangerous idea not to update to SP2. I have yet to find a computer I could not get SP2 on without a problem. Just close every program, disable every system tray icon, close every task that you can except explorer, and disconnect any non standard peripherals.

Staying of SP1 is somewhat equivalent to running a virus or spyware scan with last years definitions. Users not having SP2 are the target of many of the newly written infections, it is just a matter of time.


From an internet explorer perspective: