2006-04-25, 18:33
I have spent the last couple days trying to fix my daughters computer and it is to no avail. We have used your program plus ewindo plus symatic plus some other thingy i dont even have and the thing keeps on giving. I don't know the file - if I did, it would be gone - heres the symptoms - bring up machine - ewindo finds spyware - something like ad look at me - ok - deletes - then machine comes up . Auto attach to internetthru her lan connection. Go do anything - write a word document, whatever.. a few minutes latter ads start opening up in internet explorer.. she isnt even on internet explorer - they just take off and it keeps giving and giving. I've run everything in safe mode - it doesnt matter... Im sending this same message to all other services.. cause something is not being found and deleted.. maybe in msconfig startup?? It has to be something like that.. thanks for any advice and suggestions - i am listing 2 email addresses - one is my daughters.. thank you.
Michael Weber
Michael Weber