View Full Version : S&D on sys start up problem

2008-12-02, 21:46
Can someone please tell me how to turn off system check on booting the machine? I have checked settings/settings tab, and there is not checked to 'run check on program start'. Also have been on Go to Run > MSConfig > Startup, but there is nothing checked regarding S&D. As a matter of fact there is no S&D at all. So, what else I should check and why this is happening? Thanks in advance.

2008-12-03, 03:53

Have you checked the Automation/System start entry rather than program start as shown in the attached screen picture?

What exactly is happening at system startup, is the Spybot program opening, or is it something else like chkdsk running?

Could you please indicate what operating system you have, and perhaps also what antivirus and firewall software is installed.