View Full Version : Command Service

2008-12-13, 04:21
Ok this one is a tricky bugger that doesn't seem to disapear. I have been getting pop up after pop up and for so reason (without my concent or me even clicking anything) a search finder which I am led to believe is another spyware named Mirar. It doesn't block anything and if anything sends more pop ups at me.

I don't know if my key board is going out or if there is a virus out there that steals some of your key strokes.

Anyways I have done two scans and found more stuff like dubble clicker and Virtumonde/Virtumonde.generic but that was eliminated.

To anyany question before hand no, I don't hav any anti virus so that alone is stupid on my part but I can't afford to spend money on a antivirus and I think all free ones are spyware or virus like spy sherrif or whatever that one is called. If anyone has reliable antivirus for free please let me know or else it's the pirated version of AVG from a friend of mine. Thanks please help get rid of this blasted Command Servce thank you!

PS. Also may be good in the next update to include how to get rid of this one since it shows stuff for Virtumonde bu not this.

2008-12-13, 18:25
can no one help me? Seriuosly this is becoming a real pain and I have so many popping up because Virtumonde and Command Service can't be destroyed (command because it's in the stystem somewhere) and Virtu because it keeps coming back for some reason. Gah someone please help!

2008-12-13, 18:45
If anyone has reliable antivirus for free please let me know or else it's the pirated version of AVG from a friend of mine.

Pirated software is not acceptable, plus there is a free version of AVG. See: So how did I get infected in the first place? (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=279)
AntiVir and Avast also have free versions.

can no one help me? Seriuosly this is becoming a real pain and I have so many popping up because Virtumonde and Command Service can't be destroyed (command because it's in the stystem somewhere) and Virtu because it keeps coming back for some reason. Gah someone please help!

"BEFORE you POST"(READ this Procedure BEFORE Requesting Assistance) (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288)

The Waiting Room: Post here if waiting for help longer than four days (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=37)

Please start again, regards.