View Full Version : SBBC on torrent

2009-01-04, 19:40
is it possible for guys to make a SB boot CD and put it on a torrent site for downloading?

2009-01-04, 19:52
Are you referring to the BootCD where scanning only occurs in the RAM?

I'm just giving a suggestion. Even if Spybot's BootCD were in torrent sites, it could be modified and redistributed again. Why not download it from the original author? : l

2009-01-05, 01:46
because a cd that is already made would be really great and easy to download for people without the time to make the cd themself

2009-01-05, 03:19
That sounds like a good idea, I mean like the CD being made already. But what about updating the CD (definition and program updates in the future)?

Could the CD by modified?

2009-01-05, 09:14
The CD can auto-update itself when it can load appropriate network drivers. Only for the current sessien of course.

A finished CD also has the advantage that it works for users with older Windows versions where the creator does not work due to restrictions of the MS tools used, or for people who have highly infected machines and cannot create a CD right there on their system.

We've been trying to get a license fom Microsoft to create eady-to-use CD images for months now (nobody at MS seems to know anyone responsible for PE), but since MS might take license fees per CD, torrents would probably never be possible.

Putting it on our servers for free would probably make bandwidth costs explode, so torrents would've been a good idea if this would be possible for free.

2009-01-05, 14:44
We've been trying to get a license fom Microsoft to create eady-to-use CD images for months now (nobody at MS seems to know anyone responsible for PE

You might be able to get the information you need from Paragon Software. They distribute a WinPE recovery CD with some of their imaging software.

2009-01-05, 22:51
well i hope that you can get an answer soon because that would be great

2009-01-05, 23:09
Thanks for the hint, Greyfox!

I already had some contact information from someone who had success, problem was that that contact person is no longer with MS, the email address closed, etc. ;)

Last week, I found the AIK product manager at LinkedIn and tried to contact him. Hope I'll get an answer, otherwise your hint will come in very useful :)

2009-01-09, 00:37
hey PepiMK have you got an answer yet?

2009-01-13, 17:14
Did email Paragon now as well, since the Windows Automated Installation Kit Product Manager guy (http://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremymchapman) (WAIK includes PE 2.0) didn't answer.