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2005-10-23, 19:41
Every time a registry change occurs, TeaTimer pops up a notification... which is great, but is there a way for me to tell it that on some approved ones or all approved ones, I do not want to see these alerts. And how can I change the currently approved ones from alerting if so?

md usa spybot fan
2005-10-23, 20:54
There is no way to keep those pop-up notifications from being issued if an actual registry change is made. However, you may be able to eliminate many of the pop-ups if you are getting at lot of them at system startup.

TeaTimer takes snapshots of Registry entries and compares these with the Registry at startup. Until these snapshots are updated you are likely to get pop-ups (primarily at startup) of changes you made in the past. In other words, TeaTimer attempts to return the Registry to the state it was in when the snapshot was taken. To refresh TeaTimer's snapshot files:

Right click Spybot's TeaTimer System Tray Icon > click Exit Spybot-S&D Resident.
TeaTimer closes.
TeaTimer's snapshot files are refreshed at this time.

Restart TeaTimer:
Using Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy.
Double click TeaTimer.exe to start it.

2005-10-24, 03:43
When the popups come up for me a Get a little click box at the left that says remember this chance and just get a long blank bar on the right that all it seems to do is toggle the box on the left and seems like there is no way out.

I have updated to the latest version


md usa spybot fan
2005-10-24, 06:06

I believe that codito (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=133) was referring to the pop-up notifications that appear in the lower right-hand corner of the screen and disappear after a few seconds.

You appear to be talking about TeaTimer's registry change dialog that says "Spybot - Search & Destroy has detected an important registry entry that has been changed" and must be answered.

There is currently a bug in TeaTimer 1.4. Portions of TeaTimer's pup-up dialog overlay the "Allow change" and "Deny change" buttons. On my system the very top edges of the "Allow change" and "Deny change" buttons are showing and I am still able to select the options. I also can check "Remember this decision" since it is visible. If no portion of the "Allow change" and "Deny change" buttons are showing you can answer TeaTimer's popup dialog (English language version) by pressing "A" on your keyboard for "Allow change" or "D" for "Deny change". If you can't deal with the problem until it is fixed, you can disable TeaTimer as follows:
Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Tools > Resident.
Uncheck the following:Resident "TeaTimer" (Protection of over-all system settings) Active.

2005-10-24, 22:56
MD: could you expand on this "error with version 1.4" Teatimer? I just logged into Spybot forum to find a solution. I have W2K Pro where this is happening the icons for add/deny are blanked out and I cannot tell TeaTimer to do either. I did turn TeaTimer off but one of the registry changes may be the culprit on an event error 11 ( in control panel) that it denied. Oh if I click on the exit for the box it denies whatever it popped up for.
I'm not into touching the registry but could you advise how to accept the registry change that TeaTimer denied? (it was on a software update).

Otherwise love this little program Spybot has.


md usa spybot fan
2005-10-24, 23:39
MD: could you expand on this "error with version 1.4" Teatimer?
I'll try to present a visual aid, but the limits of attaching thumbnails to this new forum are quite limited (I need 47 kb but the limit is 39.1 kb). So in the attachment I have attempted to depict what the old pop-up looked like (TeaTimer 1.3) and what the bottom of the new one (TeaTimer 1.4) actually looks like.

The buttons for "Allow change" and "Deny change" are not presented properly. As I indicated, if no portions of the Allow change" and "Deny change" are visible so that you can click on an edge of them:
… you can answer TeaTimer's popup dialog (English language version) by pressing "A" on your keyboard for "Allow change" or "D" for "Deny change".
I hope this helps explain the problem and the workaround for the problem.

2005-10-26, 18:03
I also have the same problem with teatimer doing this for me... you cannot see enough to tell which buttons you are clicking, you just have to guess.

I am running a Windows 2000 and a Windows XP machine, both do it.

Let me know if I can help with this also.

md usa spybot fan
2005-10-26, 19:17

Please look at the following graphic:

On the top is the way the TeaTimer registry change dialog should look. Below it is the way the lower portion of the dialog looks on my system. On some monitors not even the top edges of the "Allow change" and "Deny change" buttons are showing. Until the problem is corrected, you can:
Stop using Teatimer by disabling it as follows:

Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Tools > Resident.
Uncheck the following:Resident "TeaTimer" (Protection of over-all system settings) Active.

Continue to use TeaTimer and answer TeaTimer's popup dialog (English language version) by pressing "A" on your keyboard for "Allow change" or "D" for "Deny change".

Note: The "Remember this decision" option is still visible and can still be used.
Additional notes about TeaTimer:
Note #1: If you cancel the dialog without answering either "Allow change" or "Deny change" the registry change will be denied (if that is an option).
Note #2: When ActiveX Distribution Units and Browser Helper Objects are being deleted (Change: Value deleted) there is no "Deny change" option. I believe that this is because by the time TeaTimer recognizes that the registry change has occurred the underlying code for either the ActiveX process or BHO has been removed. Therefore restoring the registry entry to its original value would not restore the functionality of what was deleted.

2005-11-11, 16:28
I hope this helps explain the problem and the workaround for the problem.

Um... what workaround? Pressing "A" or "D"?

That truly sucks. I have distributed spybot on at LEAST 50 machines this year. NONE of them were able to read the buttons.

Surely there is a better solution than for me to tell my users to "remember A or D - and tell your children to remember A or D and make sure that your guests all know to press A for Allow or D for disallow". This is insane.

I have never seen a system that COULD read the buttons. Surely someone has a better solution?

As a developer, I can see no reason why this fix should take more than 5 minutes. Isn't it a simple spacing problem with the buttons? This is a CRITICAL patch. If people cannot read the buttons, then they are dangerous. The entire power of Spybot is ruined because users must be psychic in order to use it.

It reminds me of the "vote for bush" voting machine skit (anyone see that.. I'm still laughing) where no matter which button you try to push, you end up voting for Bush.

Am I missing something basic here?

2005-11-18, 23:46
No solution? I agree this is critical. I've done the same kind of deployment and have angry clients.

2005-11-19, 03:26

This bug will be fixed in the next upgrade, for now please see:
Solution to fix the pop-ups in TeaTimer.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

2005-11-26, 20:46
The fix is posted here:


But as far as the lower right-hand popups go, does anyone know if there's a way to use reshacker to modify the size and/or time of these popups? Zone Alarm now also has popups and it seems that every few minutes I'm looking at a popup in the corner of the screen, and always something that's ok. Tea-timer even gives me a popup to tell me that it's allowed a registry change from something on my white list. I put it on the white list. I don't need a popup to tell me about it. Popups are advertising, and I get enough of that as it is.

Now that I think about it, I can experiment with reshacker, and if I wreck something, I can simply reinstall.

I should also mention, just in case this post is setting the wrong tone, that I like Spybot S&D a lot, and donate money once a year. Love Spybot, hate popups.

2006-10-30, 18:20
The same problem of Allow or Deny buttons being blocked has been appearing in the forum since at least 2005. Spybot team members keep reporting it will be fixed. This is damaging my system by allowing changes I don't want. Also do not see an answer to the question of how to add or remove from white list or black list. This is otherwise such a good program. Team Spybot, please help. Thanks. Stan

md usa spybot fan
2006-10-30, 18:43
Stanton (Stan):

The same problem of Allow or Deny buttons being blocked has been appearing in the forum since at least 2005. … This is damaging my system by allowing changes I don't want.
There is currently a bug in TeaTimer 1.4. Portions of TeaTimer's popup dialog overlay the "Allow change" and "Deny change" buttons. On my system the very top edges of the "Allow change" button (on the left) and "Deny change" button (on the right) are showing and I am still able to select the options. I also can check "Remember this decision" since it is visible. If no portion of the "Allow change" and "Deny change" buttons are showing, you can answer TeaTimer's popup dialog (English language version) by pressing "A" on your keyboard for "Allow change" or "D" for "Deny change". Note: If you close the dialog without answering "Allow change" or "Deny change" the registry change is denied.

If you can't deal with the problem that way until it is fixed, you can:
Apply one of the workarounds found in the following pinned (Sticky) thread that fixes the pop-up dialog so the buttons are visible:
Solution to fix the pop-ups in TeaTimer

There are three (3) fixes published in that thread. They are:

The ResHacker fix published by ElPiedra (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=128) here:
The murdo (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=440) patch published here:
Also republished by RuggeR29 (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=7292) (which I have never tried) here:
The patch originally by SyreneD (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=1735) that I published here:
Also republished by SyreneD (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=1735) himself here:

Disable TeaTimer as follows:
Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Tools > Resident.
Uncheck the following:Resident "TeaTimer" (Protection of over-all system settings) Active.


Notes about the patches (b. and c. above):
If you installed Spybot in the default location:
C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy
The following patch (c.) defaults to that location:
The patch originally by SyreneD (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=1735) that I published here:
Also republished by SyreneD (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=1735) himself here:
If you use this patch (b.) you have to navigate to the correct location (See Note #1) unless you execute the patch from within the "C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy" folder:
The murdo (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=440) patch published here:
Also republished by RuggeR29 (http://forums.spybot.info/member.php?u=7292) (which I have never tried) here:

Note# 1: To the right of the Target File (TeaTimer.exe) there is a button that looks like "[ . . . ]". Click on that button, navigate to the correct folder, click "Open" and then "Start".

Spybot team members keep reporting it will be fixed.
The new TeaTimer program is currently being tested. See the following post (also in the pinned (Sticky) thread mentioned above:

Also do not see an answer to the question of how to add or remove from white list or black list.
If you checked "Remember this decision" on a change the information concerning that change it is stored in a file. TeaTimer uses that information to automatically "Allow" or "Deny" changes. To edit this information:Right click on the TeaTimer system tray icon and select Settings. This will bring up TeaTimer's "White & Black List". There are four (4) Buttons across the top of the "White & Black List":
Allowed processes
Blocked processes
Allowed registry changes
Blocked registry changes

Note: If you don't see all four buttons, try expanding the window to the right.
You can review all the entries that you have stored by clicking on these buttons. The entries that you should review are in "Allowed registry changes" and "Blocked registry changes". You can delete entries by clicking on the scripted black "X" to the right of the entry that you want to delete and then clicking the "OK" button when you're done. This will in effect make TeaTimer forget what you told it to remember so that during future changes to these items TeaTimer will issue a pop-up dialog rather then just a notification pop-up.

2007-01-10, 14:24
Thank God that I found this forum as TeaTimer was driving me nuts, not allowing me to install updates and new downloads. Eventually found a way myself to switch it off (as described in some of the answers below). Needs attention in order to keep Spybot the great product it is. Let us know when this is fixed

2007-01-10, 14:50

There is a new update for the resident TeaTimer availible:

Aside from the fix of the graphical glitch so many users have been waiting for, there have been some important changes under the hood, which will reduce the number of change dialogs where the user has to decide.
TeaTimer now automatically allows any changes during the installation of other security software which follow the ASCs guideline of code-signing all files, as well as a much improved scan of the files associated with registry changes.

Please delete the files 'RegKeyWhite.sbe' and 'RegKeyblack.sbe' in order to
remove the remembered blocked or allowed registry keys. You will find them
in the folder:

* Windows 95 or 98: C:WindowsAplication DataSpybot - Search &
* Windows ME: C:WindowsAll UsersApplication DataSpybot - Search &
* Windows NT, 2000 or XP: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication
DataSpybot - Search & DestroyExcludes

(Please note that the Application Data Folder is hidden. So if you can't
find this folder please check your folder properties)


Best regards
Team Spybot

2007-10-14, 03:24
Apparently I'm behind the times. :) I have version 1.4 and recently enabled Resident (it hadn't been). Consequently It denied changes when I updated a NVDIA video driver and Java. This forum suggests getting version 1.5 - but I'd like to fix (allow) the recent changes that were denied.

Note: If you close the dialog without answering "Allow change" or "Deny change" the registry change is denied.

Yes, indeed. So how do I allow the change now?

"Allowed registry changes" and "Blocked registry changes". You can delete entries by clicking on the scripted black "X" to the right of the entry that you want to delete and then clicking the "OK" button when you're done. This will in effect make TeaTimer forget what you told it to remember so that during future changes to these items TeaTimer will issue a pop-up dialog rather then just a notification pop-up.

These lists are empty - they have no entries. However, the log file does list the denied changes but I'm unclear on whether I can make the registry changes manually. Here's the most recent:

10/13/2007 6:43:09 PM Denied value "{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0003-ABCDEFFEDCBA}" (new data: "") added in ActiveX Distribution Unit!

10/13/2007 6:43:36 PM Denied value "SunJavaUpdateSched" (new data: ""C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\jusched.exe"") changed in System Startup global entry!


md usa spybot fan
2007-10-14, 18:20

Both of those registry entries appear like they may have come from the installation of Sun's Java JRE 6 Update 3. Were you installing Java JRE 6 Update 3 at the time you received the TeaTimer dialog messages?

If so, the easiest way to correct the problem may be to go into add/remove programs remove Java and reinstall it making sure to allow the registry changes when you do.

2007-10-14, 18:39
Both of those registry entries appear like they may have come from the installation of Sun's Java JRE 6 Update 3. Were you installing Java JRE 6 Update 3 at the time you received the TeaTimer dialog messages?

Yes, I believe so.

If so, the easiest way to correct the problem may be to go into add/remove programs remove Java and reinstall it making sure to allow the registry changes when you do.

So changing the registry myself wouldn't be reliable? I was guessing that all that is required is changing the "denied value" to the "new data", but maybe there is more to it than that. Either way, I'll need to get Spybot 1.5 soon so the graphic glitch doesn't catch me again!


2007-10-14, 18:48
Also, I presume your reply means one cannot go back and allow changes that previously were denied?

md usa spybot fan
2007-10-14, 21:14

So changing the registry myself wouldn't be reliable?
In some cases that can be done but in many cases it can not. The Resident.log is a summary of activities and does not necessarily contain the entire registry entry that is being modified. In addition you may have to know how that particular registry entry is used by the program that is setting it. For example, at one time I was running an anti-virus program that would set a startup entry for a cleanup job every time there was a program update, run the cleanup job and then delete the entry. I assume that the setting of the startup entry was to make sure the cleanup job was run to completion even if there was an intervening restart of the system. If I allow both registry changes, things would be as they should be. However, if I decided to deny the first registry there would be no startup entry for the update program to attempt to remove and TeaTimer would not react to the attempted removal of the entry. Now if I decide at a later point in time that I made a mistake and edit the registry to include the startup entry that I denied, I would adding an entry to the registry that in fact should not be there. However, I can't tell that because the sequence of events I observed were altered by my intervention in that sequence of events.

Also, I presume your reply means one cannot go back and allow changes that previously were denied?
If you are asking if there is a facility within Spybot/TeaTimer to allows you to reverse previously allowed or denied registry changes, the answer is no.

2007-10-14, 21:27
OK, great! You've been a wonderful help - I appreciate the advice.


2007-10-17, 06:03
MD USA, I tried what you suggested for removing the startup popups from Teatimer - i.e., I quit the S&D Resident icon. Then I went to the spybot folder and double-clicked teatimer.exe. A minute or so later the icon reappeared on my status bar, and then all those popups appeared again! I then went to the Resident settings and found the Black & white list intact. Is that the way it's supposed to be? Did I miss something here? Why did the popups that always appear when I boot my machine come back?

md usa spybot fan
2007-10-17, 18:32

What version of Spybot are you running?

What do you mean by "intact" in the following?

I then went to the Resident settings and found the Black & white list intact.
Please post a portion of the Resident.log that shows the changes being allowed or denied when you start your system. To do that:
Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Tools > Resident > page (scroll) to the bottom of the listing and highlight a portion of the log that shows those activities, then right click and select Copy. Paste (Ctrl+V) the log entries to another post in this thread.

2007-10-17, 22:36
I'm running Spybot Following your instructions, I wind up at a list labelled "Resident 'Teatimer' (Protection of over-all system settings active." Here's the list:

17/09/2007 10:03:14 AM Allowed (based on user decision) value "WindowsWelcomeCenter" (new data: "rundll32.exe oobefldr.dll,ShowWelcomeCenter") added in System Startup user entry!
17/09/2007 1:50:34 PM Denied (based on user decision) value "ehTray.exe" (new data: "C:\Windows\ehome\ehTray.exe") added in System Startup user entry!
When I said "Black & White list intact" I was referring to the list of allowed registry changes that I found in the settings for the resident icon. I assumed that when you referred to snapshots that this must be what you meant. So I wondered why it was full of changes when I'd expected that everything would be cleared when I'd followed your instructions. But I guess the list of registry changes wasn't what you were referring to, huh?

BTW: I haven't seen the teatimer popups today, but I haven't watched closely as my computer started up. I'm going to try that now....

2007-10-17, 22:47
OK, the Resident popups are still there. When I start my computer, four of them appear on the right side of my screen. Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought you were saying that those would disappear if we cleared our teatimer snapshots in the way you described.

2007-10-19, 18:24
The popups are entitled something like "Registry change allowed," and the same ones have been appearing for over a week.

md usa spybot fan
2007-10-19, 19:49

Spybot 1.5 or more specifically TeaTimer Version does not have the defect that sometimes made refreshing the snapshot necessary in the prior versions to prevent TeaTimer from thinking the registry changed when you restarted the system. That is why refreshing the snapshot didn't cure your problem.

The only explanation that I can think of is that something is actually attempting to add those registry entries during each system startup.

2007-10-20, 03:23
It occurred to me later that I don't know for sure that these popups aren't different every day, mainly because they disappear so quickly that I can't really read more than one of them. Is it possible that they're the same old registry changes I made sometime ago, considering the steps you described don't work with this particular version of Spybot? If that's the case, I can live with the little devils popping up and disappearing quickly every day.

2008-04-17, 17:31
I have completed the fix by ElPiedra, and the window is full size now.

However, the "old Data" and "New Data" lines are not highlighted and there is no information next to them. Also, the "deny change" tab is not highlighted and I am not able to select it. I can only select the "allow change" tab.

I am running Windows XP.

Is there a solution?

Thank you.

2008-04-17, 17:33

Please start your own tread and do not post in more than half year old threads.
Thanks. :)

Which version of Spybot do you run?
Perhaps you have blacklisted processes?
Please right-click the Resident icon in the system tray "Spybot S&D resident" and select "Settings". There you will find 4 lists for remembered decisions (allowed/denied processes and registry changes). In order to remove an entry just click on the cross next to it. TeaTimer will then "forget" this decision and you will be asked again the next time.

Best regards
Team Spybot

md usa spybot fan
2008-04-17, 17:45

... Also, the "deny change" tab is not highlighted and I am not able to select it. I can only select the "allow change" tab....
What was the "Category" and type of "Change" where the "Deny change" was grayed out?

During some changes the "Deny change" option is grayed out (not an option). This appears to be on changes such as the removal of a Browser Helper Object (Value deleted). This is speculation but I assume that the "Deny change" is grayed out because by the time TeaTimer recognizes the Registry change the underlying code for the BHO has been deleted and therefore denying the change would do no good to save the BHO from being deleted. I assume that the same would hold true for a "Value deleted" for an ActiveX process and possibly other changes. In this case the registry change dialog serves as a warning that something has changed.

2008-04-17, 18:36

I am using Spybot 1.4. I don't see a "Spybot S&D resident" anywhere?

md usa spybot fan:

Category = Browser Menu Extension

Change = Value Deleted

A window with code 11:44 popped up "registry change denied".

Thank you.

2008-04-17, 18:43
The resident is under Spybot > Advance Mode > Tools > Resident.

md usa spybot fan
2008-04-17, 19:45


I am using Spybot 1.4. I don't see a "Spybot S&D resident" anywhere?
In this statement:

Please right-click the Resident icon in the system tray "Spybot S&D resident" and select "Settings".
spybotsandra is talking about right clicking on TeaTimer's icon (actually titled "Spybot-SD Resident") which should be present in the taskbar notification area (system tray). It looks like a document with a padlock in the lower left hand corner.

md usa spybot fan:

Category = Browser Menu Extension

Change = Value Deleted

A window with code 11:44 popped up "registry change denied".
I am some confused now. Originally you were talking about a registry were there the "Deny change" was grayed out. From the "Browser Menu Extension" "Value Deleted", I assume that something was removing an entry from Internet Explorer's Context Menu. Now you are indicating that you got a notification "registry change denied". If you are indicating that both thing happened during that same change, it would indicate that you closed dialog without clicking the "Allow change" button (there was a defect in TeaTimer 1.4 that allowed that to happen - Spybot 1.5 has corrected that defect).

What were you doing at the time you received the TeaTimer dialog and did you just close the dialog by clicking on the red X in the upper right hand corner before clicking "Allow change".

2008-04-18, 01:29
md usa spybot fan:

What were you doing at the time you received the TeaTimer dialog and did you just close the dialog by clicking on the red X in the upper right hand corner before clicking "Allow change".

When I went offline, the Teatimer Window showed the message that I indicated. All of the buttons that I mentioned were still grayed out and inoperable. When I clicked the "allow change" button, the popup showed "registry change allowed", but the original "Value Deleted" window would not go away. When I just clicked the red X to close the window, the "registry change denied" popup repeatedly showed in the lower right, and the "Value Deleted" window would not go away untill I shut Teatimer off.

When I went online again, the window came up again. This time the "deny change" button was active. I clicked it and "registry change denied" popped up. The window stayed and I clicked "deny change" again. Another "registry change denied" popped up, and then the Teatimer window closed.

I don't get it.

I looked in "Resident Settings" and there was nothing listed in any of the four catagories.


md usa spybot fan
2008-04-18, 06:49

Please post the portion of the Resident.log that shows the changes you are having problems with.
There are several ways (4 listed below) to access the TeaTimer's Resident.log file:
Right click on the TeaTimer (Spybot-SD Resident) system tray icon and select Show Log.
Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Tools > Resident.
Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced mode > Tools > View Reports > View Previous reports. Select the Resident.log file and open it.
Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the Resident.log file located in one of the following directories:
Windows 95 or 98:
C:\Windows\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs
Windows ME:
C:\Windows\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs
Windows NT, 2000 or XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs
Windows Vista:
C:\ProgramData\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs
Double click on Resident.log file and it should open with Notepad.
To copy information from the log into a post in the forum:
Copy the information into the Clipboard:
Highlight the portion of the log that you want to copy.
Right click and select Copy.
Paste (Ctrl+V) the information from the Clipboard to a new post in this thread.

2008-08-05, 18:27
The TeaTimer is a resident tool which perpetually monitors the processes called/initiated and changes to some critical registry keys. This is redundant to Windows Defender's superior and less intrusive real-time protection.
So IF you are running windows defender, my suggestion is to uninstall spybot then reinstall selecting the option NOT to install tea timer.
If you are NOT running windows defender, my suggestion is to get it.

2008-08-05, 18:33
why make it so difficult? just disable it in advanced mode:laugh:

2011-03-24, 20:53
This is retoricle and this problem is not only fixed but solved as far as if the buttons are jumbled/compressed together in version 1.5, correct?

There is also a workaround fix if you run into this jumbled/compressed "POPUP" window while using TeaTimer which prevented users from seeing to TWO optionable BUTTON's to push, "ACCEPT" and "DENY".

Why is this thread even open after nearly 6 years of initial and about 3 years after the previous Moderator/Contributor posted "do not post after 6 months old" ?

This issue was fized in 1.5. But, what I recently opened a post on under the thread titled "TeaTimer Popup HowTo Resize Entire Window" is just that, how to resize, or enlarge to a larger default, the TeamTimer Popup window/prompts while running TeaTimer:


This is the actual fix and page if you have the jumbled/compressed/missing buttons combination issue, which this thread was opened for, see the title "Solution to fix the pop-ups in TeaTimer", which it was except that was part of the issue but not as a whole as far as resizing to a LARGER "default" window LARGER then whats been stated!:


--> See the pictures (.jpg's/Jpegs) that are included on these two links from that page of the TeaTimer popup window prompt:

The Before: http://forums.spybot.info/attachment.php?attachmentid=319&d=1138910241

The After: http://forums.spybot.info/attachment.php?attachmentid=320&d=1138910284

Even in the AFTER window you still have to STRETCH that little bugger out so you can see EXACTLY what you are ACCEPTING or denying just the same :/

The window needs to slide left further and open larger to the right with the appropriate text fixes included :D

- Z