View Full Version : Spyware Guard 2008

2009-01-16, 10:29
Okay, I've tried everything I personally know to remove "Spyware Guard 2008" on my mother-in-laws computer. After I have tried everything I know I even searched Google and forums for 5+ hours and tried to remove it in "their" way. Every time it pops right back up in a few minutes or after a restart.

I've use Spybot SD (finds it, deletes it, but it returns) and Ad-Aware 2008 (same thing). Manually killed processes, unregistered its DLLs, removed its registry entries, and so on.

She has McAfee as an AntiVirus program (I personally think it sucks, but she got a year free from her bank). I can't open McAfee as it crashes it. Same thing with HiJackThis... doesn't open. I attemps to, but crashes right away. Even renamed the HiJackThis file (to Kiler, 123, etc.) If I even open a webpage that has downloads or infromation of HiJackThis is cashes IE. I've attempted everything here in safe mode and normal.

Finally, I found its start-up registry entry and deleted it. Now when I uninstall it via Revo Uninstaller (remove left over files), scan with Spybot S&D (remove the located SpywareGuard2008 infection), and reboot it no longer shows up. However, I still can't use HiJackThis or open antivirus websites in IE without them crashing. Even installed other browsers in hopes they would not be hijacked by it. No luck with that either.

Does anyone have any ideas?
