View Full Version : Ver Some issues

2009-01-21, 03:23
I installed SD after a long gap and would seek your clarification.

1.Double click on the TT icon is systray does not bring up S&D.

2.On the first run I found memory at 16 MB.Today it is hogging 55 MB right from the start till an hour right now.

3.Initial startup scan consumes nearly 100% CPU.Can you do away with that?Considering regular scan and realtime TT is available.Why not give the user a choice for such startup scans?

4.Menu>>Settings>>Ignoreproducts lists a lot of entries.I could accidentally tick an entry deeeep down and may forget it later.Uncheck all option is a must in this case.Why a default button in this case is missing?:sad:

md usa spybot fan
2009-01-21, 06:53

Right click on the TeaTimer icon and select "Run Spybot-S&D".
The only time that the System settings protector (TeaTimer.exe) Version appears to use extremely large amounts of CPU time is the first time it is started after Spybot updates when it has to rescan all the processes running in your system to refresh the ProcCache.sbc file. Since TeaTimer.exe runs at "Low" priority the high CPU utilization should not affect the overall throughput of your system.
Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced mode > Settings > Ignore products. Right click on the product list in the right hand pane and select "Deselect all".