View Full Version : Whats Left In Recovery-Is it Good or is it Bad or...Ugly

2009-01-27, 15:26
Hello; Good Morning; looks like snow here.
AH YES; It is a learning experience.In spybot recovery; The question here is: When one recovers one of these items or files; does it come back in a clean or good state or does it come back in the state or (with the problem
or reason) that it was sent there to begin with?
You can also check my original thread"now whats up with McAfee"
In regards to removal of spybot; is it correct that a folder;"application data"
folder stays in the system?If that is correct;is the information in there; the same files;that are listed in the recover section;and again as above ;are they in a good ,clean or problem free state? Thanks.

md usa spybot fan
2009-01-27, 16:19

The Application Data is not deleted when you uninstall Spybot. See:
How to uninstall?
The items in the Recovery folder and the corresponding items in Spybot's Recovery facility are images of the original files and registry entries before the problems were fixed.

2009-01-27, 17:08
Hi Fan thanks for the info.
I think I'm getting it;just want to make sure.So after removal;I'll have the
AD folder;It will be on the sidelines;so to speak;"not "being used by the
system.Then later at some point in time;I or someone with the tech. know how could open the folder;extract what is ugly;and return the files to
their original application in the system or remove them, whichever the case may be.
In addition;will I be able to use the forum after I remove the spybot.? I
also intend to figure out a way to use spybot after downloading the new
upgrade from McAfee.The problem I think about at this point,will be dealing with the updates.Anyway,one thing at a time;and I'll deal with that later.
Again;Thanks Fan; Beergus

2009-01-27, 18:55
know how could open the folder;extract what is ugly;and return the files to
their original application in the system or remove them, whichever the case may be.
Beergus, you're confusing me :laugh:. I don't really think there'll be any baddies hiding in that folder.

You can always delete the Application Folder and start a new with another download of Spybot-Search&Destroy.

And Spybot-Search&Destroy (running on your computer) doesn't really affect your access to this forum. You can access this forum (http://forums.spybot.info/index.php) anytime from your machine.