View Full Version : How to un-do a Deny? Why two desktop icons?

2009-02-03, 18:47
Can someone tell me, or give me a link regarding, how to un-do a "Deny" I accidentally clicked for a Windows update registry change?? I think this is what is causing a problem when I log on to the Net, bringing up a Microsoft update page instead of my Google home page. My Internet Options setting is for Google.

Also, several Spybot updates back, I got a new icon on my desktop for version 1.6x. The original icon for v1.5x is still there. Doesn't Spybot erase old icons?


md usa spybot fan
2009-02-03, 19:18

There is no facility within TeaTimer to reverse any Registry change decisions ("Allow change" or "Deny change") that you make. You have to redo whatever you were doing so that the Registry change is done again (or manually edit the Registry).

You can remove "Remember this decision" entries by using the Black & White list, but that does not change or reverse registry entries, it only affects the way that TeaTimer handles future registry changes.

If you post the portion of the Resident.log file that shows the registry change that you denied in error, perhaps someone can help you reverse the affects of the denial. To do that:
Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Tools > Resident.
Page (scroll) to the bottom of the listing and highlight a portion of the log that shows the denied registry change.
Then right click and select Copy.
Paste (Ctrl+V) the log entries to another post in this thread.
There have been improvements in the upgrading of Spybot which should eliminate that type of problem as well as multiple entries in Windows Add/Remove Programs. Just delete the unwanted shortcut from your desktop.

2009-02-03, 21:33
MD - Thanks for your quick reply. Are you saying that the "Remember this decision" tells TeaTimer to automatically repeat the Deny command on all future registry changes that emanate from the same source?

I will try your suggestion to copy the log portion related to this issue, but I'm not optimistic. It was quite awhile ago - a month or so - and I find it difficult to navigate Spybot. I'm not very savvy and I have trouble finding answers in the Help feature and most of the time I don't really get what Spybot is telling me to do next. Often I end up repeating/duplicating processes which is time consuming. But I'll give it a shot. Thanks again.

md usa spybot fan
2009-02-03, 21:41

... Are you saying that the "Remember this decision" tells TeaTimer to automatically repeat the Deny command on all future registry changes that emanate from the same source? ...
Yes and no. The "Remember this decision" tells TeaTimer to automatically repeat ether the "Deny" or the "Allow" command on all future registry changes for similar registry changes regardless of the source.

2009-02-04, 04:45
Hmmph...thanks for the clarification. I thought "Remember this..." meant something else, so that was my first mistake. But, guess what? I removed the Block from the Black and White List and when I logged on a minute ago I got a Spybot window asking me if I wanted to allow or deny a registry change, so I allowed it. Then when I opened IE, it went straight to Google. I'm going to presume Microsoft was being relentless until I made that change in Spybot. Problem solved, for the time being anyway. Merci beaucoup.

2009-03-11, 04:17
As I was trudging through the laborious efforts of bringing a friend's old computer back to life, I (obviously) denied the wrong registry key, something about 'shell' I believe. :rolleyes:

The current situation is that there is no taskbar. I have tried many tactics and have learned a few tricks along the way. However, I have eliminated all other variables and have determined it simply must be from my hasty SpyBot commanding.:oops:

Point is, I have no taskbar. I have read a million times about right-clicking on the SpyBot Resident, selecting settings, etc, to unblock the deny.

Is there any other known way to do this?:fear:
Is there a folder to go to so that I may unblock a process?

Thank you for your time.:bigthumb:

2009-03-11, 04:45
If I could start completely anew, I would be perfectly happy, however, seems the uninstall will not undo the changes I made...

And being an ol' timer from the DOS era, I can get around this system sans taskbar, for repair purposes (my friend whom owns the computer, cannot).
