View Full Version : Problems instaling version 1.4

2006-05-18, 14:29
I have tried to follow the instructions for installing SB 1.4 but seem to have a problem. I used add/remove to delete my version 1.3 and downloaded the new version. While going through the install process which included making a back up of the registry, the system seemed to complete the installation. when I tried to update the detection files, the download seemed ok but I then got a message saying 'install detection up dates by using the integrated update or the manual updater'.
What does this mean, is it easily fixed or do I need to delete the whole thing and start again ?
I use a dial up service via a proxy server does this effect things, as version 1.3 did not seem to mind it.
Thanks for any help::

md usa spybot fan
2006-05-18, 15:38
Go into Spybot > Updates (left pane) > click on "Search for Updates" > check everything found > click "Download Updates".

If the "Search for Updates" results in "No newer updates available" click "OK" then click on the "Show Log". See if the log indicateds that you downloaded any updates since installing Spybot 1.4.

If you need proxy settings: Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced mode > Settings > Settings. About 2/3 of the way down the option tree there is a category "Web update'. Check the last item in the list "Use proxy to connect to update server". A pop-up will come up were you can enter the information required.

2006-05-19, 16:15
Many thanks for the help yesterday with the installation on version 1.4 I can now report that it is fully working. I completed a scan last night in record time and am delighted with it.