View Full Version : WinSideBySideCleanup 128219768

2009-02-17, 03:36
Hi, Spybot has recently started giving me this message, and I am unable to find any details on the internet or in any manuals. Could anyone help shed some light on what this means and any implcations of allowing or denying this change.

Spybot - Search and Destroy has detected an important registry entry that has been changed

Category System Startup global entry
Change Value Added

Entry WinSideBySideCleanup 128219768
New data rundll32 sxs.dll,SxspRunDlldeleteDirectory C:Windows\WinSxS\InstallTemp\128219768

Best Regards and TIA

md usa spybot fan
2009-02-17, 06:11

What were you running when you first got the message?

2009-02-17, 10:56
I was running Bit torrent but nothing else. Bit torrent has been running on the laptop for several months, but this is the first instance I have seen of this message.
Bes Regards Perran

md usa spybot fan
2009-02-17, 15:26

The entry is normally a runonce startup entry to cleanup an installation directory (C:Windows\WinSxS\InstallTemp\128219768 in this case). But since you were not installing anything I am at a loss as to what stimulated the message and how it should be handled.

Do you have a C:Windows\WinSxS\InstallTemp\128219768 folder?

2009-02-18, 22:35
Hi ,
no I do not have a 128219768 folder in my C:Windows\WinSxS\InstallTemp\ directory, there is nothing at all in that directory. Many thanks for your help so far. I am still at a complete loss to track it down.

Best Regards

md usa spybot fan
2009-02-18, 23:11

If the message is still outstanding allow the registry change and allow the deletion of the corresponding for the deletion of that registry entry after you reboot.

2009-02-20, 04:02
Will do and many thanks again for your assistance, will report back.

Best Regards