View Full Version : Windows.RedirectedHosts

2006-05-20, 23:27
Hi there.

I’ve had an error message after I run the scan saying “Error during Check!: Anal-Oral.WinMain (Datei C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts kann nicht geöffnet warden. This process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process) ()”

I followed instructions at http://forums.spybot.info/archive/index.php/t-80.html (as instructed, I uninstalled 1.3 and installed 1.4), but after installing I got another error message.

This time it said “Error during check!: Windows.RedirectedHosts [1] (Cannot open file "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts". The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process) ()” the number in between the [ ] brackets differed. There were about 100 of these messages.

So is there any way to get rid of these 100 error messages?:confused:

2006-05-21, 00:19
Do you have any programs that might lock the hosts file?Like Stopzilla or Zonealarm?

2006-05-21, 05:57
No, we don't seem to have Stopzilla or Zonealarm.

2006-05-21, 09:02
Do you know if you have anything else installed that would block access to your hosts file?
If you're not sure,maybe you could try accessing the hosts file manually,and see if whatever's preventing access shows itself.
It should be located at:
Windows 2000 or Windows XP: C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC
Windows 98,Windows ME: C:\WINDOWS
added on edit:The hosts file will be hosts,with no extension.
You'll have to open it with notepad,and it'd be best if you removed the checkmark beside 'always use the selected program to open this kind of file',if it's checkmarked.(Sorry,been a long day.)

Also,(to be on the safe side)are you having any malware-type problems?If you are,can you let me know,and then I could ask a helper if they'd take it from here.