View Full Version : Protection reset with each reboot

2009-02-19, 20:08
I have been using SpybotS&D for many years, now, and have had a problem for the last two that I have not yet been able to find a solution for.

Every time I boot up my computer, I check the Spybot status and it always says that I have 184 unprotected items. I'll do the immunization so that it says 0 unprotected items. The next time I boot my computer, I have 184 unprotected items.

What is resetting my protection with each boot up? How can I get this to stop? I really don't want to have to wipe my HD and start from scratch.

Any ideas?



2009-02-19, 20:43
Hi WolfShade,

Can you exactly say which unprotected items you mean?

Which other security tools do you use?

Best regards,

md usa spybot fan
2009-02-19, 21:06

What version of Spybot - Search & Destroy are you running (Spybot » Help » About)?

What Windows OS (Operating System) are you running?

What other security software are you running (Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware/Anti-Malware, Firewall, etc.)?

What specific "Profiles" (items in the listing) are being reported as having unprotected immunization items ? i.e.

Internet Explorer (32 bit)
□ \SOFTWARE (Cookies)
□ \SOFTWARE (Domains)
□ \SOFTWARE (Plugins)

2009-02-21, 23:27
I'll reboot my system and get some screen caps to post, here.

Meanwhile, to answer the questions as best I can:

WinXP Pro SP2 (SP3 is EVIL)
SpywareBlaster 4.1
Avira Anti-Virus
CookiePal 1.7c
Wise Registry Cleaner 2.96 Build 101

I'll get the screen caps and either add them to this post or reply to this post and include them.



2009-02-21, 23:49
Upon reboot, looking at Spybot, it shows that there are 184 unprotected / 9 protected / 193 total for Cookies for an old Windows account that is no longer being used but cannot be deleted because my current account relies on it (domain change to workgroup when I moved computer from office to apartment.) Everything else is protected.

I went to the folder for Cookies for that account and there are none. So if there aren't any Cookies, how can there be protection for them?

Also, I'm having a similar issue with SpywareBlaster. Every reboot, if I run Spybot first, SpywareBlaster says that there are 162 Internet Explorer items with no protection and 1 Restricted Site item with no protection. If I run SpywareBlaster first, SpywareBlaster says that there are 206 Internet Explorer items with no protection, plus 1 Restricted Site item with no protection.

Hope this provides some kind of insight.



md usa spybot fan
2009-02-22, 00:08

... Spybot ... shows that there are 184 unprotected ... Cookies for an old Windows account that is no longer being used but cannot be deleted because my current account relies on it ...
If that is in fact the case, there should not be a concern that there are 184 unblocked Windows Internet explorer tracking cookies in an unused user account. In addition if you are using Spybot's "SDHelper" that should block the unimmunized tracking cookies should you use that account.

2009-02-22, 01:19
While I did say "unused account" and it is, in fact, correct, I'm not so sure it's accurate.

I don't know exactly how it works, but when I changed my networking from a domain to having the same name for a workgroup because I moved the computer from a domain network to my ComCast network, Windows created another user account with (practically) the same name instead of changing settings for the original account. I can copy a file into the old account "Desktop" folder and it will appear in my new account Desktop. The accounts are tied together. So I'm not entirely sure that the cookies (even though I can't find them) are not being tracked.

But I could be wrong. All I know is, the last time I moved a computer from a domain to a private network, I deleted the old account not knowing the new account relied on it, and wound up having to wipe the HD and start from scratch (thankfully everything was backed up.) So that makes me think that the Cookies are somehow tied together, too.
