View Full Version : Reboot problems.

2009-02-21, 08:32
Hi there,

I have a problem with my PC, and I know how helpful this forum has been for me in the past, so I thought I might ask here to see if you could help. :)

I have Spybot S&D on my PC, it has Windows XP (I am currently using my Mum's laptop to send you this message) and I updated with Windows Update just a few days ago and also have automatic updates set to 'on'.

I also have AVG 8 internet security. This morning I turned my computer on, I hadn't used it for a week or so to surf the internet, I had just been turning it on for scanning. I did stop AVG from scanning this morning and then it listed 2infections (I am sorry, I can't remember the name of them! Grrr!) and that they had beed detected and healed, but my PC needed to be rebooted to complete the action.

Upon rebooting, the computer keeps 'going round in circles' so to speak... it goes to the Windows XP screen ready to turn on and go to the blue welcome screen to sign in, but then goes back to the beginning again, as if I had just turned it on again. It continues to do this now and won't boot up properly. I'm afraid I may not be able to get into it to be able to get any HJT scan or anything. Although I may be able to go into 'safe mode'.

I wonder if you may be able to assist me in fixing this problem? I am not terribly good with technical computer language, so please be gentle with me ;)

Thank you in advance for your assistance, as always!

Suellen from Australia.

2009-02-22, 21:31
Hi Suellen :)

I believe AVG found userinit.exe file infected and deleted it.

Please see if you're able to reboot into safe mode and uninstall AVG temporarily until system is cleaned.

If not, try booting with last known good configuration (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307852) -option. If AVG then asks permission to remove userinit.exe, disallow it.

Then try getting HijackThis log generated.

2009-02-23, 11:29
Thank you so much for your help! It's greatly appreciated!! :bigthumb:

When I tried to reboot the other day with the 'last known configuration' option, the computer still went 'round in circles' trying to boot up.

This sounds like a really silly question, but if I am able to get into safe mode, then delete AVG temporarily, do I reboot the computer and then go back to normal mode automatically? I will then have to reinstall AVG won't I? Even though I used safe mode to delete? (I haven't done anything in safe mode before, sorry!)

What happens to this file that you say AVG has deleted? Won't the PC need that file to boot up properly...if I delete AVG, won't it be gone for good?

Sorry about the silly questions! Thank you so much for your assistance!!


2009-02-23, 12:29

Good points there. Let's leave AVG installed for now.

If you're able to reboot into safe mode then please see if you're able to create HijackThis log there.

If not able to get into safe mode then I believe repair install (http://www.michaelstevenstech.com/XPrepairinstall.htm) is needed.

2009-02-23, 14:04
Hi again! :D:

I wanted to make sure of a few things before I go ahead here!

I'm not sure as yet whether I'll be able to go into safe mode, but if I do and I'm able to get a Hijack This log, how can I send it to you... in safe mode you aren't able to connect to the internet are you?

Then, once you are finished, is there a process to go out of safe mode?

Also, what is a repair install exactly? I don't think it's re-formatting the computer, but how do you go about doing that? Is it a major thing to do?

Thanks once again for your help!


2009-02-23, 19:52

You may use removable usb drive for example. However, since we can't say without a log if infected system has a flash infection or not, we have to take some precautions. Let's assume that you have successfully rebooted into safe mode, created hjt log and transferred it to usb drive. Then take following steps on clean system before inserting usb drive with the log file in:

1. Download Flash_Disinfector (http://www.techsupportforum.com/sectools/sUBs/Flash_Disinfector.exe) and save it to your Desktop of your clean system that the log will be transferred to.
2. After downloading, double-click on Flash_Disinfector to run it.
3. Just follow the prompts and continue until it begin scanning.
4. If asked to insert your flash drive or any removable device including USB Pen Drive and Memory Stick, please do so.
5. It will scan removable drives, wait for the scan to finish. Done.
6. Copy hjt log from usb memory to your clean system.

Also, what is a repair install exactly? I don't think it's re-formatting the computer, but how do you go about doing that? Is it a major thing to do?
It's not reformatting. It repairs current Windows installation. Detailed instructions for doing one can be found from the link I posted in previous reply.

2009-02-24, 03:11
Hi there again,

I have tried to reboot into safe mode but the screen comes up black with a list of discs and drivers, etc for a few moments, then continues to go back to the beginning to reboot again. :sick:

I am hoping you might have some other ideas?

I had a brief look at the repair install article you mentioned in your previous posts and it looks really daunting! Is this the only option?

Thanks, Suellen.

2009-02-24, 09:28

Yes, since the safe mode option also failed the repair install is only possible option now.

2009-02-25, 10:13
Hi there once again,

Oh darn! I was hoping that I would have some other options. Am I going to lose all my data on my computer??

Thanks again for your help!


2009-02-25, 17:44

No, repair install will, as its name says, repair your current Windows installation :)

2009-02-27, 14:06
Hi again Blade :)

Thanks for your help here anyway... you guys do a great job!!!

I have a technician looking at my computer at the moment, he's going to save all my stuff, then try a repair install. Should all go ok... then I'm getting him to put in some more memory, I think it only has 256 at the moment, so it will hopefully run really well when I get it back!

Thanks again, I will let you know how I go :cool:


2009-02-27, 17:47
Ok. Shall wait for your status report :)

2009-03-05, 21:16
Due to inactivity, this thread will now be closed.

Note:If it has been four days or more since your last post, and the helper assisting you posted a response to that post to which you did not reply, your topic will not be reopened. At that point, if you still require help, please start a new topic and include a fresh HijackThis log and a link to your previous thread.

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