View Full Version : Turning off teatimer realtime scanning

2009-02-25, 15:12
I would like to disable Teatimer's scanning, and just keep the registry monitoring. Is this possible to do through some type of configuring?

2009-02-26, 00:29
Spybot>Advanced Mode>Tools>Resident>Second option and untick it.

2009-02-26, 13:15
I think that will turn off the monitoring of the registry, too, won't it?

md usa spybot fan
2009-02-26, 16:51

Yes it will.

I don't know of a way currently to separate the two functions, turning off one while leaving the other running. Such a feature has been suggested but not implemented.

2009-02-26, 18:13
That is what I was trying to find out: If the services could be split. Thank you for your time, and answers!