View Full Version : How do I stop Spybot from Blocking my computer logging in?

2009-03-03, 21:58
I have XP, and whenever I get to the login screen, I type in my password, the computer logs in my account, then IMMEDIATELY logs out. My desktop doesn't load, no programs load, it just logs out after a half second. I think this is because SpyboyS&D teatimer.exe is blocking some startup program.

So previously Spyboy was blocking userinit.exe, because when I logged in, it would stay logged in, but nothing would load. So i followed the instructions in
http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=46308 and now i can't even log in without it immediately logging out.

so basically, How can I disable Teatimer.exe or the whole Spyboy S&D from making my account log out, without logging into the account? Spybot is seriously messing up my computer and I don't know how to disable it when I can't log in.

sorry if this is in the wrong section, I'm new to these forums and couldn't find the proper place to ask for help.

thanks for any feedback