View Full Version : My "Teatimer" boileth over ...or Can a tea pot turn into Frankenstein?

2009-04-02, 20:51
TODAY, April 2, 2009, teatimer reads in my "Norton Security History Advanced details, that "teatimer.exe made 438 [!!!] modifications to your computer." These were in three "Affected areas." Internet Explorer Settings, Program Startup Settings," and "Windows Startup Settings." And at the very bottom of the Norton screen it reads: "teatimer.exe has accessed the protected resources listed above. You may Remove this program."

Now please excuse me, you folks have a wonderful product, a veritable cornucopia of good will stemming from your good works, are Xlnt folk doing wonderful things helping the uninitiated, low tekkies like me own self, have an unbelievable work ethic…& I could go on, but you get my drift, i.e. I think all you folk out here are great…!
BUT, god, it at least seems that "teatimer" has gone "HAL 5000" (I think that was the 'puter's name in "2001: Space Odyssey?") on me. Can U tell me what's going on here, how to reign in or turn of teatimer. If U need more information, which U probably do I'll gladly provide it. But PLEEZE! HELP ME !!!

I should mention that MS (Ole Microbial Bill) involuntarily converted me to IE 7 which may have something to do with all this. I love it. $80 Billion & not enough $ to clean up the products B4 they're pushed out the door. Oh, & *under* mine.
I'm a "Thoreau-vian" you know? Simplify, simplify, simplify. Ahm old & tahrd (old & tired). Well, not really, but I don't wan't anything new shoved on me without a request, & then usually only if it has 2 do with my music, ya know? Well, wah, wah, wah! AH --> but OH...
& OH! oh oh... hold. B-day coming soon.
:band::band: We gonna git down in it, Chee'r (Do you hear...for those not speaking Mtn-speak.) Y'all come on over s'right? Blank, but signed checks acceptable but most anything'll do. (But keep it simple right?) :present:

Thank you 4 listening and being out here 2 help. 'Tis a wonderful thing this thing that you do. Now I will just :lip:

Via con Dios 2 all, & 2 all a fine day,
Yours Most Sincerely,

2009-04-03, 01:14
Hello Staghart, and :welcome: to SaferNetworking Forums.

And at the very bottom of the Norton screen it reads: "teatimer.exe has accessed the protected resources listed above. You may Remove this program."
It seems like Symantec is not playing fair and is attempting to force users to uninstall Spybot-Search&Destroy due to "incompatibilities". They can't even name one incompatibility. This responds to the "you may remove this program" text.

What TeaTimer is doing is actually actively protecting your system from malicious change.

"Norton Security History Advanced details, that "teatimer.exe made 438 [!!!] modifications to your computer."
Norton is now whining (programmed by Symantec) about changes when they are actually benign activity from Spybot's Resident Shield, TeaTimer.