View Full Version : Are these legitimate or syware/malware?

2006-05-29, 09:08
I run Spybot (with Teatimer), Webroot SpySweeper, Spyware Guard, Spyware Blaster, Trend Micro Anti-Spyware, Pest Patrol, V-Com System Suite,
( The preceding run in the system 24/7) along with daily checks via Arovax,, Crap Cleaner, Super Cleaner, Cleanup!, CWS Shredder, Rootkit Revealer, F-Secure Blacklight, and Hijack This.
I've been of the opinion that this is a fundamentally sound and thorough system defense posture, but after reading a variety of things online and elsewhere am increasingly paranoid about very- hard- to- catch or totally undetectable keyloggers. This fear has been recently intensified by reading statements that even supposedly safe/legitimate sites are planting keyloggers with the intention of ,at the least, using info from the keylogger to target advertising, and/or selling such info to other entities.
As such, I've been looking for legitimate keylogger detector and/or keylogger blocker software ( I do have KL-Detector, but find it a bit time consuming and cumbersome to use---I also am unsure of how effective it really is).
After doing some searching online, I have run across the following 2 programs:

Personal Antispy and Unlogger 2.3

I have been unable so far to find any information on them other than advertising blurbs. If anyone reading this is familiar with either or both, please be kind enough to advise me as re their legitimacy (are they malware/spyware/grayware or not)? I also would be grateful for commentary on their effectiveness.
If anyone knows of other keylogger detector, blocker, removal software other than Anti-Keylogger 7.1, I would greatly appreciate relevant information and comments