View Full Version : Spybot locking on update

2006-05-30, 06:21
I had a problem with spybot locking when I tried to update the information. I'd hit the button to update, the window with the animation would pop up, but the animation would never start. It would say to wait patiently as it looked for the servers, but the animation would never start even after giving the program 12 minutes to try and running no other programs.

I've tried completely uninstalling the program, restarting and installing brand new from the current version on the servers here, but it still locks when trying to find updates, regardless of whether I'm doing the connecting from the startup installation stuff or if I wait until the program is completely begun.

I've looked through the FAQ and searched the forum but so far haven't found anything that sounds related to this program. And it was a few months back when the problem started. I don't know of anything I've added to my system, but it's been a while. I did look through the compatibilities list and didn't find any conflicts that could cause this. :confused:

I'm on Windows XP, I believe I have all of the current updates.


2006-05-30, 08:53
Hello Fritters.
I myself had that same problem although, the only difference was that it was in the intial setup. I simply close the window via alt + F4 and then clicked on the icon again. I have no idea why it might freeze like that. It just told me that all of the updates had been installed. Maybe if you describe what connection you were using I might be able to help.

Thanks, -M4V3

2006-05-30, 10:31

This has a simple reason - millions of people trying to download from the same server, which can't handle such a burden.
If you are using Spybot - Search & Destroy version 1.3 please upgrade to version 1.4 (unless you are running a Windows 95 system).
If you do already have Spybot S&D 1.4 please try to download the updates manually:
Here is the direct download link:
Just download and run that file - it is self-installing.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2006-05-31, 00:54
Thanks, Sandra. Weirdly enough, it was actually _locking_ before, to the point where the window would freeze on top and not allow any redraws or cancellation or dragging it about, but after downloading the new updates manually through that link, it seems capable of getting its own updates now, as well as it removed 6 dangerous items. Thanks!!
