View Full Version : Cannot Connect to the spybot Server to reinstall....????

2009-04-19, 17:35
I am trying to reinstall spybot 1.6.2 and it gets as far as checking the server to download and install spybot and says that its not there. I am online and have no other connection problems...can anyone help?

2009-04-19, 18:07
Hi there. Where are you downloading Spybot-Search&Destroy from?

Have you tried this link?

2009-04-19, 18:16
I clicked on the link that you posted and it pulled up Internet Explorerer and cave me the same message. Cannot connect to this website. Don't Know what to do.

2009-04-19, 18:32
Hi Oklahomacityjunior,

:welcome: to Safer Networking Forums. :)

If you can't visit SaferNetworking, it's possible that you are infected with Malware.
Which other security program do you have installed on your computer?

2009-04-19, 19:21
I am running Avast Anit virus. Now its doing something else strange. I just ried to do a windows update and instead of it takeing me to the microsoft update page it sent me to the Google search page.....this is really starting to frustrate me

2009-04-19, 20:31
Hi Oklahomacityjunior,

I would like you to do that (http://forums.spybot.info/showpost.php?p=304562&postcount=2). ;)