View Full Version : Microsoft.Windows.AppFirewallBypass

2009-05-01, 00:59

SBS&D has detected the follwing two 'problems'. Can anyone tell me what the best course of action would be?

As far as my limited knowledge extends, I believe this is telling me that the application 'userinit.exe' has been granted exemption from the Windows firewall. I currently have Windows firewall disabled anyway as I run a third-party one instead, but that's not the point

I would like to know if this is a common problem and if it suggests some kind of real security breach.

Many thanks in advance.

Microsoft.Windows.AppFirewallBypass: [SBI $64F78B9F] Settings (Registry value, nothing done)

Microsoft.Windows.AppFirewallBypass: [SBI $0C95BE9D] Settings (Registry value, nothing done)

2009-05-07, 14:42

This is only a notification.

Please have a look at this link in our forum it should help to explain:

If you do not want to get this entry anymore you can safely exclude it from future scans.

First of all procede a scan with Spybot - Search & Destroy. Now, mark the item, you want to exclude from the search, with a left-click.
It is marked blue now. Then right-click this entry and select "exclude this product from further searches".

It is also possible to exclude it before the search. Please run Spybot - Search & Destroy in "Advanced Mode" and go to "Settings" -> "Ignore products". There you can tick the checkbox in front of the product you want to exclude from the search.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2009-05-13, 01:24
Thanks Sandra.

I'll exclude the notification from further scans.
