View Full Version : Lookin for a had - My Spybot S&D

2009-05-13, 16:29
it seems i was infected with a virus a few hous ago and been up all night trying to rid the problem. I can click the icon all i want but it won't open and better yet this hack is rederecting over half my online searches. When this first occured Spybot did find the problem but crashed before deleting the virus. Ever since i haven't been able to access it or my other spyware program and it won't delect the issue anymore. I'm feelin i should save what data i can and just wipe the coputer.

Any help would be great

...hand lol

2009-05-13, 17:08
Hello Dust2010,

Please let me know which methods you used to try to remove the infection, other than running Spybot-S&D. :)

Also what malware was found.

Best regards.

2009-05-13, 17:26
So malawarebtyes is down as well with the same issue. Ad aware fully downloaded but cannot find the error after a full scan aswell as spydoctor. I'm running an anti virus scan now and it has found some files but nothing that jumps out. I encountered this issue while going to a myspace video, first time this has ever happened.
i'll keep you posted

2009-05-13, 17:32
Hi there,

been up all night trying to rid the problem.

Please let me know which methods you used to try to remove the infection, other than running Spybot-S&D.

I will direct you to our malware removal forum but please answer that question first. :)


2009-05-13, 23:50
Ok, so after a number of scans and reluctantly calling Microsoft the issue has been solved. The virus started out under the name “WinPC AntiVirus” and loaded up along with a streaming video file. I tried to of course make you download its program but I was able to delete it in the end. Although gone it edited the internet explorer setting making high risk sites open to my computer. Basically I had to go through and set everything back to defaults and run the free Microsoft scan and delete a lot of temp files. It also rooted itself into my internet files and was solved by clearing them. Spybot momentarily came back to life saying the virus was trying to avoid being deleted. Next I finished the scan and ran safe mode then restarted. Sypbot was now able to reboot itself and worked.

Hers a list of some of the viruses I found:
Trojan horse Downloader.Istbar.8.AN
Trojan horse Downloader.Istbar.9.AI
Trojan horse Downloader.Istbar.9.C

C: WINDOWS\system32\schist.exe(1008)
C: WINDOWS\system32\schist.exe(1204)
C: WINDOWS\system32\schist.exe(272)
C: WINDOWS\system32\schist.exe(324)
C: WINDOWS\system32\schist.exe(336)
C: WINDOWS\system32\schist.exe(2314)