View Full Version : Even Using /allhives, One Limited Account Not Displayed & Not Being Immunized

2009-05-26, 22:48

I am using Windows XP Professional, with Service Pack 3, and Spybot If I launch Spybot from the built-in Administrator account, without any special options, only that Administrator account is displayed under the immunization feature. Yet, as I have done, with success, in the past, if I launch Spybot from the built-in Administrator account, with the /allhives switch, all accounts are displayed under the immunization feature, with the exception of my main limited account. Other limited and administrative accounts, which I rarely use, are displayed; however, the main limited account, which I use for day-to-day operations, is NOT displayed. The only way I have been able to immunize this particular account is to log into this account and launch Spybot; this, of course, immunizes only this account, but, it does trip several warning messages about running immunization without administrative privileges. In trying to solve this issue, I have reversed ("Undo") the immunization and reapplied the immunization, while logged on as the built-in Administrator account, as well as the main limited account with the issue, all without success. And, I also immunize with all applications (browsers) closed. I am desperate to solve this issue and would greatly appreciate anyone's suggestions on how I may be able to get this main limited account to show up, under the built-in Administrator's account, when I have launched Spybot, either with or without the /allhives switch.

Finally, I use the command line switches, in conjunction with the Scheduled Tasks feature of Windows XP, to automatically schedule and run automated updating, immunization, and closing of the application. However, I prefer to do this, without displaying the Spybot GUI; therefore, I have been successful in using /taskbarhide /autoupdate /autoimmunize /autoclose in my scheduled tasks. But, can I use the /allhives feature in combination with the /taskbarhide switch? It appears that when I use the following switch sequence: /taskbarhide /allhives /autoupdate /autoimmunize /autoclose, Spybot is not launched and/or I receive an error message. Either way, the scheduled task does not function, properly. Yet, as I previously described, if I remove the /allhives switch, the scheduled task works, perfectly. How may I resolve this issue?

I look forward to hearing from others and appreciate your assistance.



2009-06-04, 21:56

I am happy to report that my issues have been solved. I must admit that I thought I had tried these steps and they did not work; but, I must have been mistaken. These are the steps I took that allowed the limited day-to-day account to show up when logged on as the Administrator account; thus, allowing me to immunize the limited account, along with all the other computer accounts.

Log on as the Administrator

Using the "Run As"/Secondary Logon Service of Windows XP, launch Spybot with the /allhives switch, as the limited account

Completed an immunization pass, normally (This step may not be necessary; but, I did complete it. So, I am including it here.)

Closed Spybot and relaunched Spybot, with the /allhives switch, without using the "Run As"/Secondary Logon Service of Windows XP; therefore, I launched Spybot, normally, as the Administrator account.

The limited day-to-day account was now visible within the Immunization window of Spybot and I am now able to immunize this account, as I immunize all other accounts, while logged on as the Administrator account.

I must also point out that while I cannot find the thread, in my research of this issue, I did read a threat on this board that suggested using "Run As" to fix this issue, specifically with Spybot 1.52. I have researched this issue for a while, now and just happened across this thread a few days ago. I tried to find the thread, again, without success. So, I wanted to give credit to whomever originated this strategy--thank you. I hope this information helps others users of Spybot.

Finally, once I solved my issue with the day-to-day limited account, I was able to use the /taskbarhide and the /allhives switches in combination with the /autoupdate /autoimmunize and /autoclose switches, to succussfully run my scheduled task.

