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Command.exe removal


New member
My computer is having pop up advertising issues and when I ran Spybot it shows an infection of command.exe.

Can someone help me remove it? I ran hijack this and it gave me this back:

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2
Scan saved at 2:03:37 PM, on 5/29/2009
Platform: Windows XP SP3 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16827)
Boot mode: Normal

Running processes:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccSetMgr.exe
C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus\DefWatch.exe
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jqs.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VS7DEBUG\MDM.EXE
C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus\SavRoam.exe
C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus\Rtvscan.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccEvtMgr.exe
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jusched.exe
C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD\DVDLauncher.exe
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccApp.exe
C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe
C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\TeaTimer.exe
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\WINWORD.EXE
C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\Emulator\pcsws.exe
C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\Emulator\PCSCM.EXE
C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\HijackThis\HijackThis.exe

R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://www.parrishandcompany.com/
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=69157
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL = http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=54896
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=54896
R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=69157
R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Connection Wizard,ShellNext = http://www.dell.com/
O2 - BHO: AcroIEHlprObj Class - {06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} - C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Acrobat\ActiveX\AcroIEHelper.dll
O2 - BHO: Spybot-S&D IE Protection - {53707962-6F74-2D53-2644-206D7942484F} - C:\PROGRA~1\SPYBOT~1\SDHelper.dll
O2 - BHO: AcroIEToolbarHelper Class - {AE7CD045-E861-484f-8273-0445EE161910} - C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll
O2 - BHO: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jp2ssv.dll
O2 - BHO: JQSIEStartDetectorImpl - {E7E6F031-17CE-4C07-BC86-EABFE594F69C} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\deploy\jqs\ie\jqs_plugin.dll
O3 - Toolbar: Adobe PDF - {47833539-D0C5-4125-9FA8-0819E2EAAC93} - C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [IgfxTray] C:\WINDOWS\system32\igfxtray.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HotKeysCmds] C:\WINDOWS\system32\hkcmd.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jusched.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [DVDLauncher] "C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD\DVDLauncher.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Client Access Service] "C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\cwbsvstr.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Client Access Help Update] "C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\cwbinhlp.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Client Access Check Version] "C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\cwbckver.exe" LOGIN
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Client Access Express Welcome] "C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\cwbwlwiz.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ccApp] "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccApp.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [vptray] C:\PROGRA~1\SYMANT~1\VPTray.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [rtasks] C:\Program Files\SpyGuardPro\rtasks.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [runner1] C:\WINDOWS\mrofinu572.exe 61A847B5BBF728173599284503996897C881250221C8670836AC4FA7C88332017491394661A64DB7C8F0287E55E246220D9E728F9FC17D446BC57D5375FB0FB68AD6
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [ctfmon.exe] C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [SpybotSD TeaTimer] C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\TeaTimer.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [JavaCore] C:\Program Files\\JavaCore\\JavaCore.exe
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-18\..\RunOnce: [FlashPlayerUpdate] C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil9d.exe (User 'SYSTEM')
O4 - HKUS\.DEFAULT\..\RunOnce: [FlashPlayerUpdate] C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil9d.exe (User 'Default user')
O8 - Extra context menu item: E&xport to Microsoft Excel - res://C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE/3000
O9 - Extra button: Research - {92780B25-18CC-41C8-B9BE-3C9C571A8263} - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\OFFICE11\REFIEBAR.DLL
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {DFB852A3-47F8-48C4-A200-58CAB36FD2A2} - C:\PROGRA~1\SPYBOT~1\SDHelper.dll
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Spybot - Search & Destroy Configuration - {DFB852A3-47F8-48C4-A200-58CAB36FD2A2} - C:\PROGRA~1\SPYBOT~1\SDHelper.dll
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - C:\WINDOWS\Network Diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: @xpsp3res.dll,-20001 - {e2e2dd38-d088-4134-82b7-f2ba38496583} - C:\WINDOWS\Network Diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe
O9 - Extra button: Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Windows Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O10 - Unknown file in Winsock LSP: c:\windows\system32\nwprovau.dll
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.amaena.com
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.avsystemcare.com
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.gomyhit.com
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.imageservr.com
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.imagesrvr.com
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.onerateld.com
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.trustedantivirus.com
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.virusschlacht.com
O15 - Trusted Zone: http://download.windowsupdate.com
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.amaena.com (HKLM)
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.avsystemcare.com (HKLM)
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.gomyhit.com (HKLM)
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.imageservr.com (HKLM)
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.imagesrvr.com (HKLM)
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.onerateld.com (HKLM)
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.trustedantivirus.com (HKLM)
O15 - Trusted Zone: *.virusschlacht.com (HKLM)
O16 - DPF: {02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B} (QuickTime Object) - http://a1540.g.akamai.net/7/1540/52/20070501/qtinstall.info.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab
O16 - DPF: {1C3DE665-D259-4C72-9D7D-C51FCB4CCFB9} (Panasonic Network Camera) -
O16 - DPF: {6414512B-B978-451D-A0D8-FCFDF33E833C} (WUWebControl Class) - http://www.update.microsoft.com/mic...ls/en/x86/client/wuweb_site.cab?1193161769109
O16 - DPF: {9522B3FB-7A2B-4646-8AF6-36E7F593073C} - http://a19.g.akamai.net/7/19/7125/4058/ftp.coupons.com/r3302/Coupons.cab
O16 - DPF: {A662DA7E-CCB7-4743-B71A-D817F6D575DF} (Autodesk DWF Viewer Control) -
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters: Domain = parrish.local
O17 - HKLM\Software\..\Telephony: DomainName = parrish.local
O17 - HKLM\System\CS1\Services\Tcpip\Parameters: Domain = parrish.local
O17 - HKLM\System\CS3\Services\Tcpip\Parameters: Domain = parrish.local
O23 - Service: Symantec Event Manager (ccEvtMgr) - Symantec Corporation - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccEvtMgr.exe
O23 - Service: Symantec Password Validation (ccPwdSvc) - Symantec Corporation - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccPwdSvc.exe
O23 - Service: Symantec Settings Manager (ccSetMgr) - Symantec Corporation - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccSetMgr.exe
O23 - Service: Command Service (cmdService) - Unknown owner - C:\WINDOWS\c3RhZmY\command.exe
O23 - Service: Client Access Express Remote Command (Cwbrxd) - IBM Corporation - C:\WINDOWS\CWBRXD.EXE
O23 - Service: Symantec AntiVirus Definition Watcher (DefWatch) - Symantec Corporation - C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus\DefWatch.exe
O23 - Service: Java Quick Starter (JavaQuickStarterService) - Sun Microsystems, Inc. - C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jqs.exe
O23 - Service: Intel NCS NetService (NetSvc) - Intel(R) Corporation - C:\Program Files\Intel\NCS\Sync\NetSvc.exe
O23 - Service: SAVRoam (SavRoam) - symantec - C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus\SavRoam.exe
O23 - Service: Symantec Network Drivers Service (SNDSrvc) - Symantec Corporation - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\SNDSrvc.exe
O23 - Service: Symantec AntiVirus - Symantec Corporation - C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus\Rtvscan.exe

End of file - 9240 bytes

Thanks for the help in advance.
Hello Jillian2778

Welcome to Safer Networking.

Please read Before You Post
That said, All advice given by anyone volunteering here, is taken at your own risk.
While best efforts are made to assist in removing infections safely, unexpected stuff can happen.

This appears to be a company computer, being networked to other company computers you take the chance of infecting all the computers on the network. You have some serious infections on this one. This forum only works on home users, working on company computers can open up a hole legally. Do you have a IT Department?