View Full Version : Incomplete Immunization

2009-06-03, 16:36
Mornin' All,
SBSD free. DL'd todays' updates. Tried to immunize. First ever time, it will not complete, says there are several thousand left unprotected. Any one else encounter this ? Any suggestions ? No changes have been made to firewall or AV program settings - currently using avast! free. Check for additional update shows all DL'd - none available.
Thanks in advance for any help and advice.

2009-06-03, 16:42

Which browser and browser version do you use exactly?
Which items are not immunized exactly?
Did you closed the browser while immunizing?
Did you try to undo the immunization and then immunize again?
Have you also used the "Check again" function from the menu bar above?
Are you logged in as admin or as user with admin rights?
Do you have other user accounts on your pc?
Do you have other security programs installed that might block the immunization?
Could you please send us a screenshot of the immunization page?
Thanks. :-)

Also have a look at this link in our forum: http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=36272

Best regards
Team Spybot

2009-06-04, 16:36
Thanks, sbSandra, for taking the time to reply.
Apparently, I just did not give it enough time ! Yesterday's update had several that were 10,000+ and it finally got thru them all. This a.m., all 118,000+ show as covered. In several years of use, had NEVER had that happen before, so was very puzzled. All seems to be well now.
But, there is a new popup - "..detected that you have AdAware, yada, yada..." that had never shown up before. No problem, as they have been playing nicely together for several years without trouble or comment. Just said Ignore it and all is well.
Thanks again for taking the time to reply.