View Full Version : Checksumproblem while downloading updates

2006-06-05, 11:21

while running the update several checksum-errors occure. There are problems with the following updates:

- advanced detection library
- detection support library
- Deutsch help
- English help
- English help for TeaTimer
- Main Skins

So these updates could not be installed. Well, so I tried an other download server, but the same error occured.

ertyes aka Max

P.S: Excuse my rather poor english ;)

md usa spybot fan
2006-06-05, 15:08
I suggest that you keep trying other download servers until you find one that works.

Try the following:
Only select one of the updates before clicking "Download Updates".
If you get a "Bad Checksum" error, change the download sever and try to download that update again.
Repeat #2 above until you find a download server that works.
Then check the remaining updates and try to download them using the same sever that worked.