View Full Version : SDUpdate.exe in 64-bit Vista Task Scheduler?

2009-06-15, 19:49
64-bit Vista..... Is there a way to run the SDUpdate.exe in XP mode from within the Task Scheduler? I still get "Please select some update files from the list first." error from Task Scheduler. I exported and modified the xml to priority 4 to get the task to start, but the "select some files" errors causes the task to fail.

Thanks in advance!

2009-06-15, 20:21
But you don't get the "Please select some update files from the list first." error anymore when updating Spybot normally,not using task scheduler?
Did you try the beta update listed later on in the other topic,or did you just put Spybot into XP compatibility mode?

This is the beta update:
Note instructions at the top:

Beta updates for the updater of Spybot - Search & Destroy.

To use this beta file, extract the downloaded archive into the main application folder (usually C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\).

2009-06-15, 21:07
Thanks for the reply.....

I'll try the beta and re-test the scheduled task. I've initiated SpyBot with "run as administrator" and as XP SP2. The problem is in the scheduled update. I've exported to xml and modified the priority and imported.

Next is the beta. I'll let you know!

2009-06-16, 00:17
Thank you! The beta seems to have allowed the scheduling of SDUpdater.exe in Task Scheduler.

Now, my only concern is that the SpyBot S&D scan took almost 4 hours. AMD Turion X2 Dual-Core Mobile RM-72 2.1GHz with 4GB RAM 64-Bit Vista Home Premium approximately 500K files of 285GB HDD with 234GB free.

Any thoughts on the speed issue??????

Thanks again!

2009-06-16, 18:06
Glad the beta file worked. :)

I find temporarily shutting down nonessential stuff running in the background helps the Spybot scan go a little faster,but that would be hard for you to do if you're running an unattended scheduled scan,though.If you're on the computer when your scheduled scan starts,you could shut down some things running in the background you aren't using at the moment,and see if it helps. :)

2009-06-17, 00:11
Thanks for your help Zenobia, but a 6 hour scan on a new and empty (almost no data) computer is unacceptable. I had a very inexpensive unused (Professional) license on a competing product, which took about 3 hours to complete a scan.

I'm sorry, I uninstalled SpyBot and registered the other.

Thanks anyway!


2009-06-17, 06:02
Ok,then,sorry it didn't work out with you using Spybot.
Cheers. :)