View Full Version : Immunize buttons

2009-07-02, 22:38
I'd like someone in the know to please differentiate between what is happening when the two different Immunize buttons are clicked. The one in the left-hand navigation panel does what? And the one that subsequently appears in the upper tool bar does what? In my opinion, the left-side Immunize button causes the program to check to see which domains are currently protected against, and the top Immunize button downloads new protections if they are available. If this is not correct, please let me know.

2009-07-02, 22:46
The Immunize [tab] on the main window, brings you to the Immunization screen where it displays which portions of your machine are protected.

The green Immunize button, doesn't download, but it will immunize the portions of the system that you choose, indicated by a check box.