View Full Version : xupiter.sqwire

2009-07-05, 16:39
hi, i just bought new laptop and installed avast antivirus and spybot s&d and also zone alarm firewall and thought my computer is safe. But as I ran spybot s&d it found xupiter.sqwire spyware. i tried to remove it but it doesnt allow me saying im not the administrator,which i am. this happend week before, but when i ran it again it didnt show xupiter.sqwire again, so i thought it was removed. but i ran spybot today and its still there. can you please hepl me to get rid of it asap? im not computer expert, but im worried. thank you

2009-07-06, 18:45

Windows Vista might tell you that you are not being allowed to operate at the administration level of your computer.
You can solve this problem as follows:
Right-click the Spybot - Search & Destroy entry in your start menu,
instead of just left-clicking to start it.
Then, choose Run as administrator from the context menu.
You will find a screenshot of this problem in our FAQ:

Best regards
Team Spybot