2006-06-08, 01:32
Regards: U.K. music industry to sue AllofMP3.com (http://www.arcon5.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=406)
Need some advice, should I stop using allofmp3?
I have used them for about 2-3 months now and spend about $20-$40/week on music on some weeks, other weeks about $5-$10 because i am a big music fan.
I dont want to loose any money or be affected by this. Should I keep using them?
Need some advice, should I stop using allofmp3?
I have used them for about 2-3 months now and spend about $20-$40/week on music on some weeks, other weeks about $5-$10 because i am a big music fan.
I dont want to loose any money or be affected by this. Should I keep using them?