View Full Version : Newbie With Spybot Problem

2009-07-31, 15:59
I am a newbie and have just mastered using a keyboard without using one finger from each hand and my tongue stuck from one corner of my mouth as I type.

However, to my horror, my Spybot scan revealed the presence of Eblaster and then could not remove it. I think the Eblaster came from a Spybot update because I regularly scan with Spybot anyway.

However, on the same evening that I typed in my full name, credit card number and full address, the Sygate firewall log has registered outgoing information to one of the Spybot update sites.

Simple question, am I screwed (again)? Please advise in short words and in very simple language (e.g. computer, registry, list etc...) Thanks

2009-07-31, 16:24
Hi jimmydasaint,

:welcome: to Safer Networking Forums.

I suppose that you use Spybot 1.6.2, fully updated?

Do you think you are infected? - Signs of Malware (http://www.virusvault.us/signs1.html)

It could be a false positive as well.

2009-08-01, 14:07
Hi jimmydasaint,

:welcome: to Safer Networking Forums.

I suppose that you use Spybot 1.6.2, fully updated?

Do you think you are infected? - Signs of Malware (http://www.virusvault.us/signs1.html)

It could be a false positive as well.

Thank you for your welcome Matt. This problem only arose after downloading Spybot updates from one of their sites. I hope it is only a false positive and I don't have to start cancelling my credit card (again). Hope to stay and learn from the experts here.
Cheers mate

2009-08-01, 19:53
Thank you for your welcome Matt. This problem only arose after downloading Spybot updates from one of their sites. I hope it is only a false positive...

Another user also reports about a FP here (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=50455).