View Full Version : CoolWWWSearch Killed Spybot

2006-06-10, 11:52
The CoolWWWSearch spyware-virus got on my computer, and Spybot 1.3 wouldn't work. It was closing down with some German words partway through searching for spyware. CoolWWWSearch came up on its list of spyware on the computer. It did this whenever it searched, so I uninstalled it. But Spybot 1.4 won't install correctly, because of a "corrupt" include.exe (or something) file, which might have been left over from the previous version. Or maybe it is really the spyware virus preventing it from working right.

CWS shredder does not completely remove it, since there are some hidden things that the spyware respawns from. Ad-aware and Adware-away recognize it and appear to remove it according to the programs, but the spyware reappeared on Spybot, so the programs' removal of the CWS spyware was not complete.

We took the computer to the computer repair store. The store fixed it like it fixes many other things- the computer works, CWS doesn't effect the computer's most significant processes, the internet and other programs (except spybot) work. But the CWS spyware still came up on Spybot. The CWS spyware also prevented the online WINDOWS UPDATE v4 from working.

Do you have a response to the above problem, and an easy way that removes the CWS spyware completely? The computer is a Dell Laptop with RAM memory that is too small for Symantec's memory hogging virus scanner to run smoothly, although I think I tried it too (It did not remove the CWS spyware.).

2006-06-11, 05:58
I am not sure if you wish to have us take a look to see if the computer has an infection or not.


2006-06-16, 02:27
Topic archived.