View Full Version : Internet Explorer 8 and Spybot.

2009-08-02, 19:40
Ever since I installed Internet Explorer 8 I have found it very slow compared to the earlier 7 version.

In trying to find solutions to the problem some people say that the Spy
bot immunisation programme that lists thousands of restricted/bad sites causes slowing down because Internet Explorer 8 cannot handle the large listing.

I do not wish to disable this feature but does it slow down Internet Explorer?
Any advise about this or other solutions you have to the slow internet programme much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

2009-08-02, 19:51

it seems that you haven't read Internet Explorer 8 issues (http://www.safer-networking.org/en/index.html).

2009-08-02, 19:58
Have you checked that you have installed the MS Update for IE8 that was supposed to fix this issue?
From the current news item on the Spybot website home page:

Microsoft finally released a fix for this issue. The update has been released on June 9th.
If you experienced problems with IE8 and Spybot's immunization, please download the update "KB969897" via the Windows updates.

See here: http://www.safer-networking.org/en/news/2009-03-25.html

If you already have this installed can you decribe what operations are slow - initial load - new page load?

Update: Beat me to it Matt

2009-08-02, 20:32
Thanks for your replies.

I can tell you that I have read issues raised on the homepage of this forum and that my computer running Windows XP SP3 has all updates including KB969897 loaded.I am very particular when it comes to making sure all Microsoft updates applied when offered to me.

The problem is the speed Internet Explorer opens and loads pages.Much slower than previous IE7 version .Quite often I get the diagnose connection window and it always says my broadband connection is fine which I know it is.
Press the refresh button and the page loads.

It just seems the slow speed cannot keep up with my 10mb broadband.
I do not want to go back to IE7 but wonder if Mozilla Firefox could be run on my computer as alternative?

Thanks in advance

2009-08-02, 20:40
The problem is the speed Internet Explorer opens and loads pages.Much slower than previous IE7 version.

I am sorry to hear that.

I do not want to go back to IE7 but wonder if Mozilla Firefox could be run on my computer as alternative?

Yes. :yes: :FF:
By the way... you could install and run Firefox, Opera, Safari or Chrome... should be no problem... :)